1 year agoDec 1 2023 Faultline Grace REDEEMING THE TIME, BECAUSE THE DAYS ARE EVIL.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year agoDec 4 2023 Faultline Grace - GOD SEES YOUR AFFLICTION AND HEARS YOUR CRIES!Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago120623 Faultline Grace-When Methuselah drops-Load the boat! Ritual Day: 322 weeks/6 years 66 daysChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago120823 Faultline Grace -The same guy that made me whole is the same guy who said to grab my bedChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago120923 Faultline Grace -SEE YA! WOULDN'T WANT TO BE YA!!! SOMETIME AFTER ADAR 3 & BEFORE PASSOVERChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago121023a Faultline Grace -You're 100% for Jesus 100% of the time or you're not.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago121123 Faultline Grace - The Lord Jehovah says pound the pulpit, and stomp your feet!Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago010424 Faultline Grace -6/5 - Death/Passover. 6/6 - ULB 6/8 - 1st Fruit. 6/9 - start countingChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago122323 Faultline Grace -Fornication. You've set up your Image of The Beast in your holy place.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago010724b Faultline Grace - Hell is real & everlasting FIRE. There is no escape! From Yah (God)Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago121023b Faultline Grace -THEY REJECTED THE VOICELESS FIRE BELONGING TO SEANChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago121223 Faultline Grace - Sean Mitchell thundered! The book of Moses from above which YHVH commandedChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
9 months ago051924a Faultline Grace -Exchanging bitterness for pleasantness. begins after the resurrectionChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago010224 Faultline Grace - The deadly sea confounded them. An earthquake in Japan.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago123123b Faultline Grace -World War 3 has begun. citizens are partying and praising satan.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago123123a Faultline Grace -Be filled with The Holy Spirit. Buck Privates submitting to BuckChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago010724a Faultline Grace Jesus said that The Gates of Hell wouldn't prevail.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
4 months ago102024a Faultline Grace -Truth sounds mean when you have a compromising heartChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago120523 Faultline Grace - All the Signs are Here Big Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Solar FlaresChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline