The Crucifixion of Jesus Pt. 3: Did Jesus Really Die On The Cross?

10 months ago

There are some who believe that Jesus never actually died because they claim that physical death profits us nothing. Is that true? Did Jesus really physically die on the cross, or was it an illusion? Was it important that Jesus physically died on the cross, or does it not really matter? Join Reverend Kenny Yates as he searches through Scripture to answer these questions and more in his video, The Crucifixion of Jesus Pt. 3: Did Jesus Really Die On The Cross?

Verses Used:
Luke 9:21-22
Luke 18:31-34
Matthew 27:57-60
Isaiah 53:9
Mark 10:45
John 10:14-18
1 Timothy 4:1
1 Corinthians 15:12-22
Hebrews 2:9NLT
Acts 5:28NLT
Romans 6:23
2 Peter 1:16

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