"Q Shaman" (Who Never Named Himself) Tells What He Thinks of Qanon Now, What Happened to the Anons, is JFK Jr. Alive and Vice President, AND WHEN WILL IT BE TIME TO GET “PHYSICAL”?—Because the Globalists May Have Already Won the InfoWar!
A.I. Can Make the Qanon PsyOp Even WORSE, if it’s Not Already Being Used by Any of the Goalpost-Moving Favorite Personalities! | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.
DEFINED: An Individual (Who Barely Believes in Individuality, But That's Another Topic) WITHOUT Purpose. And if Everything is Reflection (it is) Where Can it Be Seen at the Other End of the Pole?: Cults Like Qanon. | #PurposeThatLacksKnowingThyself