TRUST THE PLAN? QAnon and Controlled Opposition

1 year ago

It's no secret that Bosi gets his so-called "intel" from QAnon spooks in the US (Capt. Kyle and Derek Johnson to name a few) who have completely swallowed the Q onion. These internet clowns believe they are onto something when in fact, they are only serving to spread disinformation and discredit genuine truth seekers.

By aligning himself with QAnon freaks and reciting the same bullshit talking points, Riccardo Bosi and A1 are serving to spread disinformation and undermine/discredit the genuine truth movement here in Australia. Whether Bosi is knowingly doing this (or not) is anybody's guess. Perhaps he's too dumb to figure out that Q is an obvious psyop? Just like the clowns who fall for the Nigerian email scam, some folks are just too stupid to rationally think things through.

QAnon has made many, many false predictions, a short summary is as follows --

1. Hillary Clinton was about to be arrested and would attempt to flee the country
2. John Podesta would be arrested on November 3, 2017, and public riots would be organized to try and prevent the arrest of other public officials
3. A major event involving the Department of Defense would take place on February 1, 2018
4. People targeted by Trump would commit suicide en masse on February 10, 2018
5. There would be a car bombing in London around February 16, 2018
6. A "smoking gun" video of Hillary Clinton would emerge in March 2018
7. Something major would happen in Chongqing on April 10, 2018
8. There would be a "bombshell" revelation about North Korea in May 2018
9. The Trump military parade would "never be forgotten"
10. The Five Eyes "won't be around much longer"
11. Mark Zuckerberg was going to leave Facebook and flee the United States
12. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey would be forced to resign "next" (in the context of the prediction of Zuckerberg's resignation)
13. Pope Francis would have a "terrible May" in 2018

Source =

This video is a mashup of INFOWARS clips incl. Greg Reece, Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer.



➀ Trust the Plan [Greg Reece]

➁ Do Not Fall for the QAnon Plan [Alex Jones]

➂ Why Did Trump DoD Official Go Full Qanon? [Owen Shroyer]



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