Thermal drone at Eagle Pass, Texas in the dead of night - This is every single day, same as Canada & Europe, This is clearly an invasions, I don't care who is "offended" by that factual term.
Pastor Dave Scarlett | Why Is Elon Musk Calling for a Carbon Tax? Invasion | "Immigration Is Not Going to Stop, An Unrelenting Stream of Immigration, Non-Stop, Non-Stop." - Vice President, Joe Biden (February 17th 2015)
Yuval Noah Harari | “Artificial Intelligence Can Do Many Good Things for Us. But, It Can Also DESTROY US. It’s the First Invention In Human History That Can Make Decisions By Itself. A.I. Can Make Decisions By Itself.”
Invasion | "Immigration Is Not Going to Stop, Nor Should We Want It To Stop. There Is a Second Thing In that Black Box, An Unrelenting Stream of Immigration, Non-Stop, Non-Stop." - Vice President, Joe Biden (February 17th 2015)
Chinese Invasion | "Chinese Nationals Buying Farmland & It's Around U.S. Military Installations. It's Really Concerning & When You Look At What's Happening At Those Military Installations That They Have Land Around, It's V