Report #78: Dave Case, Electronics Engineer, Discusses Military/CIA RF Assaults, “Tinnitus,” ...

3 years ago

Ramola D Reports
Published on Aug 2, 2018

Report #78: Dave Case, Electronics Engineer, Discusses Military/CIA RF Assaults, “Tinnitus,” Satellite Weapons, & Remedies

Candid and thought-provoking conversation on the phenomenon of what many imagine is a hearing disorder and doctors indeed diagnose as a hearing disorder, naming it tinnitus-- a high-frequency ringing in ears which engineer Dave Case relates to the NSA's secretive programs of Signals Intelligence and Remote Neural Monitoring.

Relating his own love and flair for inventions in the arenas of mechanical and electronic engineering, Dave Case discusses how a particular invention of his triggered a personal experience of this remotely-induced "electronic shrieking in his ear." It started when he tried to patent this invention of his, involving the use of photonic processes in computers, and found that the NSA already had a patent for this light technology, classified Top Secret.

Referencing the John St. Clair Akwei lawsuit, where Mr. Akwei, a former NSA employee sued the NSA for similarly attacking him with electromagnetic energy remotely, in the process revealing a great deal about the NSA's Signals Intelligence program and the many categories of Intelligence collection they engage in, including RINT or Radiation Intelligence comprising EMF waves from people's brains, Dave Case discusses the use of satellites in tracking and irradiating humans from a distance, the ways in which tracking radar impacts on the human skin and sets up a bio-relevant feedback loop, how the skin acts as a transducer and conveys EMF signals into sound energy which traverses the nerves and impacts the brain as sound. By this means high-frequency tones can also be sent into the brain.

Mr. Case discusses satellites, drones, the carriage of electronic warfare weaponry on planes, celltowers and other means by which weaponized EMFs are directed at individuals and whole populations, and describes as well the nature of organized crime in the USA which is well hidden and protected inside the Deep State, particularly the CIA. Addressing the history of criminal activities, he dicusses JFK's assassination by the CIA to present-day scenarios of takeover of government agencies which has resulted in the brutal extra-judicial targeting of citizens with EMF weaponry.

Important to note is that Dave reports that many hundreds of targeted citizens have written to him thanking him for the CD which he provides free of charge to anyone in the US, asking only for coverage of shipping costs. The CD contains a motley collection of various mixed frequencies and sounds, to be listened to with special headphones, and can be ordered from Dave's new site, information below.

Please visit and connect with Dave Case to request his CD at his website at:

You can also text him here: Send him a text message with your name and mailing address at 573-300-1579.

You can leave a comment at on this page hosting my article on and interview with him:

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