3 years agoWorldwide Erosion Negates Evolution's Deep Time - Sal GiardinaTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoScience and the Age of the Earth - Helmut WelkeTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoYou've Come A Long Way, Baby - Dr. Joseph KezeleTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoBiblical Worldview as it Relates to Science - Dr. Rob CarterTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoInterview with Russ McGlenn - Pluto, The Undiscovered CountryTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoInterview with Dr. Timothy Clarey - The Truth of the Global FloodTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoEquipping for the Battlefield - Mike RiddleTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoScientific Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible - Jay SeegertTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoInterview with David Coppedge - Cassini's Grand FinaleTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoInterview with Brian Lauer - Creation Night at the MoviesTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoVirtual Creation Tour of Yellowstone National Park - Dave and Mary Jo NuttingTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoThe Truth of the Global Flood: An Examination of the Geological Data - Dr. Timothy ClareyTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoMarco Polo and Chinese Dragons - Russ McGlennTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoThe Abomination of Desolation of Antiochus Epiphanes - Clyde Billington, Ph.D.TCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoHow a Young Earth Answers Man's Oldest Problem - David WheatonTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoGod's Promise for the Chinese (Chinese Version) - Richard BroadberryTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
3 years agoGod's Promise for the Chinese (English Version) - Richard BroadberryTCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association