University of South Dakota: 12 Mockers Sit Near Me, Draws Large Crowd, Dealing w/ Lesbians, Atheists, Hypocrites, Rebuking "Christians" Defending Their Sin, Proving the Bible True to the Skeptics (Crowd forms around the 2 hour mark)
UCF: Another Hypocrite Defending Sin Helps Me Draw A Small Crowd, Ministering to a Catholic, Edifying Conversation w/ A True Born Again Christian, Ministering to a Lesbian, Exalting Jesus Christ!
YAH'S Prophecy 151 (Is a renewed Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers!) YAHUSHUA Sayeth, I AM MESSIAH! Repent_Live HOLY! DO NOT FEAR! Trust ME! (followed by Prophecies 148, 147)
South Dakota State University: Catholic & Christian Hypocrites Defend Sin, Draws Crowd, Contending w/ Atheists & Homosexuals, Jesus Christ Exalted, Some Pure Hearts Approach Me To Encourage Me
Univ of Arkansas: Thief Repents And Returns My Hat, I Persuade Group of Christians That They Can Overcome All Sin In Jesus, One Student Desperate To Overcome Porn Addiction, A Great Day Even in The Cold Rain
University of Washington Seattle: Divine Appointment Day, Roman Called To Evangelism, Peter The Abortion Abolitionist, Rufundo Lucas Struggling w/ Sin Desperately Asks How To Be Born Again, Holy Spirit Moving In Seattle!
Sam Houston State University: Dealing w/ Luke Warm Christians Defending Sin, Then the Homosexuals Come Out, One Student Dressed In Full Clown Suit Mocks the Gospel, Exalting Jesus Christ to A Lively Crowd
FIU: Calm Start w/ Humble Christian Students, Then A Crowd Forms, One Black Female Claims We All Sin & I Rebuke Her Harshly, Male Student Kicks My Pole, I Call Police, Crowd Grows, Then Ministering to Humble Students
Rowan Univ: Humble Student Lost In Sin Seeks Prayer, Skeptic Asks For Proof of the Bible, Angry Islamic Woman, Two Brand New Christian Students Encourage Me