1 year agoBret Weinstein Tells Tucker Carlson COVID Vaccines May Have Killed 17 Million People Globally!Sunfellow On COVID-19
2 months agoRFK Says Fauci Must Be Executed for 'Killing Thousands of Kids' (compilation video version)MyCatholicRedPill
2 years agoLondon packed to the rafters with people in support of those killed and injured by the jabSettingBrushfires
8 months agoTheir young father died of the jab, while they were too new to know.Cafe Locked outVerified
3 months agoGlobalist Scumbag Joe Biden Just Killed MAHA By Extending Covid Jab Liability Protection Until 2029Clif High. Juan O Savin ✔️
2 years agoDoctors Forced To Admit Jab Kills: Father Murdered By Booster, Blood Clots Found in BrainStew Peters NetworkVerified
7 months agoDoctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking mRNA to Turbo CancerUSAFrontlineDoctors
1 year agoConfirmed: Covid Jab Kills 17 Year-Old: Pathologist & Doctor Verify Bioweapon Jab Caused DeathStew Peters NetworkVerified
8 months agoTheir young father died of the jab, while they were too new to life.Cafe Locked outVerified
3 months agoGlobalist Scumbag Joe Biden Just Killed MAHA By Extending Covid Jab Liability Protection Until 2029David Nino Rodriguez. Benjamin Fulford✔️
2 months agoMP Christine Anderson.: “The mRNA Injections May Have Killed 17M+ People Around the World”USAFrontlineDoctors
4 months agoMon 4Nov24 mRNA Jab BANNED — NOT Fed, NOT State, But LOCAL - The Distraction of Presidential PoliticsThe David Knight Show
11 months ago🌎 A New World Order Insider Reveals the Entire NWO Plan Back in 1969! He Was Killed Not Long After * Parts 2-4 Below 👇Real Truth Real NewsVerified
1 year agoNew E.U. Statistics Prove COVID Vaccine Has Killed Millions Warns Dr. John CampbellMyCatholicRedPill
2 years agoThey are feeding the dead to the living. People killed by the COVID-1984 jabRussia Ukraine UpdatesVerified
1 year agoBig Pharma Exec Admits COVID Jabs Are Designed To 'Kill White People'The People's VoiceVerified
2 years ago3.5 BILLION could be injured or killed by the jab. Are YOU ready? —Dr. David Martin interviewMan in AmericaVerified
2 months agoNaomi Wolf (The Pfizer Papers): "They killed the babies and they knew it."USAFrontlineDoctors
2 years ago3.5 BILLION could be injured or killed by the jab. Are YOU ready? —Dr. David Martin interviewMyCatholicRedPill
2 months agoEyewitnesses Testify King Charles Killed Child in 'Human Hunting Party' on European EstateUSAFrontlineDoctors
11 months agoDr Aseem Malhotra and prof Angus Dalgleish: Millions killed or maimed by JabFritjofPerssonVerified
9 months ago35 MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE HAVE BEEN KILLED BY THE COVID JABForbidden Content & Banned Information
2 years agoNicholson, Teller, Kutcher, Applegate, Bell and More-Celebrities Injured and Killed by the COVID Jab??Patriots Base