🌎 A New World Order Insider Reveals the Entire NWO Plan Back in 1969! He Was Killed Not Long After * Parts 2-4 Below 👇

11 months ago

♦️ Part 2: https://tinyurl.com/mrxajted
♦️ Part 3: https://tinyurl.com/5a55jjat
♦️ Part 4: https://tinyurl.com/37d6k5n2
A New World Order Insider Reveals Entire NWO Plan in 1969! This is amazing information from Dr. Lawrence Dunegan who was invited to attend a lecture by Dr. Richard Day in 1969. Dr. Day told this room of about 80-90 doctors all about the changes they would witness in their lifetime as a result of "The Order" or as we know it now as the New World Order or Illuminati. Dr Day told the doctors that he was free to speak at this time because everything was in place and nobody could stop them now! Once this plan was released to the public decades later, this insider was killed shortly afterward with fast-acting cancer as punishment for the information being put out on tape! Anybody who listens to this material will be absolutely shocked when they see what has happened over the last 50 years in this country there is no question that we are being dumbed down, made sick, robbed financially, brainwashed and even killed by this New World Order...Dr Lawrence Dunegan died in 2004.
👉 Revelations of Richard Day 1969: The New Order of Barbarians: The New World System: https://amzn.to/4aAs7gU
👉 The New Order of Barbarians: The New World System: https://amzn.to/3POnMid
Source: Rumble.com/c/MJTruthTalk
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