Robert Kiyosaki | "Don Jr. & Eric Trump Are Fantastic Young Men! I Know the Trump Boys Implicitly. Those Young Men Are Gracious, Very Polished, Great Young Men! I'm Hardcore Let's Make America Great Again!" - Kiyosaki (8/21/24)
RFK Jr. | Why Did Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Say? "Build a Smart Grid That Reaches Most of America, That Can Do Things We Need to Do, Like to Send a Signal Through the Line to Turn Off the Hot Water Boilers In A Million Homes for 15 Minutes..."
De-Dollarization | BRICS PAY HAS BEEN LAUNCHED!!! China & Brazil Have Complete First Bilateral Trade Using Local Currency | "De-Dollarization Trend Will Continue." - John Pang (RT News) + "What's Going to Happen?" - Robert Kiy
Fauci | Why Is Fauci Pushing the COVID Vaccines Again? "Transhumanism, As You Know This Is One of the Agendas of the World Economic Forum. And The Talk About the mRNA Vaccines As An Entry Point." - Doctor Robert Malone
Gold | "How Much Value Has This (The Dollar) Lost In 100 Years?" - Robert Kiyosaki + "Almost All of Its Purchasing Power (Has Been Lost)." - Dana Samuelson + 40 countries have applied to join BRICS in 2024 (April 24 2024)
BRICS | "We Thought We Could Him (Putin) with the Sanctions. We Are Provoking a Confrontation That Could Very Much Lead to Nuclear War. He's Now Engineering the Creation of BRICS." - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | Is An Attack On Our Wealth & Health HERE? "We (America's Military Industrial Complete) Have Put Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Into the Development of Ethnically Targeted Bioweapons & the Chinese Have Done Same
Robert Kiyosaki | Is BRICS Introducing a Gold-Backed Currency: Why Has Gold Gone from $444 Per Oz. to $2,400 Per Oz. Since 2005? 98% of Countries Developing CBDCs? How Liquid Is Gold? What Are Bail-Ins? $27,000 Gold?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interviewed By Tucker Carlson | Why Would We Have Bio Labs In Ukraine? "We Have Bio Labs In Ukraine Because We Are Developing Bioweapons. Those Bioweapons Are Using CRISPR Technology & Genetic Engineering Techniques."
Climate Engineering | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Dane Wigington | Why Is the Accumulation of Free-Form Aluminum Happening In Our Environment? What Is the Only Source That It Could Possibly Be Coming From? + Interview with DANE WIGINGTON
Killer Robots | "We Got Several Leading Robotics Companies, In China, the United States & In Europe to Co-Sign a Letter That Said We Would Not Put Weapons On Robots." - Robert Player (CEO of Boston Dynamics, the Creators of the Humanoid)