SMP EP151: Josh Abbandonato – Why Men Need Other Men

6 months ago

Do you know where men can truly explore and express their masculinity without judgement?
What does it
mean to be a man in today’s world? Where masculinity is often misunderstood
or even criticized. Many men are seeking spaces to explore and express their true selves
without judgement.
Men face unique societal pressures that can make it difficult for them
to express their true
selves. There’s a growing trend where men are often encouraged to suppress their own
masculinity. Having a supportive community is essential for men to navigate these
Josh Abbandonato is the host of the “Derelict Podcast”
, he is passionate in addressing
men’s issues and creating spaces where men can be true to themselves. Josh talks about
the importance of fatherhood and seeking advice from other men to avoid repeating past
mistakes and grow as better fathers and men.
o Mentioned:
"Tribe of Mentors" by Tim Ferriss
"No More Mr. Nice Guy" by Dr. Robert Glover
You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn
more, go to
While you’re there, check
out the Battle Ready
program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t
shirts, hats, and books.

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