The Nightingale, Hillary Clinton's Ritual Name, HRC Was Meant to Carry Out Certain Tasks for the End-Times + Nightingale is About More Than Power, Special Voice/Song that Lures People in + Clip of Aussie 60 Minutes with a SRA Survivor
Celine Dion's Clothing Line, Sexualization of Children, A for Adrenochrome, New Order, Horns on a Baby + Could be Advertising Children for Trafficking, Sex Magick + Art, Soul Ties
Prayer + Lion King Movie Poster, Subliminal Imagery + Harry Potter DVD Cover, Baal and Ashtoreth Pillars, Sex Magick, Red Book + Harry Potter Game, Quadrants, Frog, Keys + J.K. Rowling, Is She a Witch?
Black Mirror, TV, Cellphones & iPads, John Dee, Summoning Spirits + Jennifer Lopez, Court Cases, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Kesha + Some Celebrities are Demon Possessed