Red Rain by Peter Gabriel ~ Evil's Final Plan for Us was in the Works...

1 year ago

From one of the Truly Great Albums of All Time, So, comes Peter Gabriel's Warning Song for what was in the Works, for us, by the Satanic Cabal...

Red Rain forshadows the onslaught of the Vampiric Canaanites, Hidden Within the Shadows, simply waiting for the fullness of their EVIL Plan to take shape, before laying waste to both Mankind and Mother Earth, once and for All...Now, Peter Gabriel wrote this Masterpiece Album in 1986, a full Thirty years before the Pivotal Election of 2016, where their Evil Black Witch, Hillary Clinton, was a Shoe-in to Win and turn this once Beautiful and Perfect Earth, into the HELL that they had spent so Long and Hard attempting to achieve...

Peter Gabriel KNEW of what was going on within this Wicked World back in 1986, because he is a Freemason, and Part of the Q Plan, there to Wake Up the Masses from their Slumber, in time for the Great Awakening of Mankind, because the White Hats KNEW that the Black Witch would LOSE in 2016, to the Golden Trumpet...but back in 1986, None of us Knew any of this publicly, and thus, first, the Darkness HAD to be Revealed by the White Hats; thus, when you examine this Album from Beginning to End, you see that the Entire Album was Designed as not only a Wake Up Call, but a PLAN OF ACTION, for us to Takedown the Cabal in our Own Lives as well and to become Truly Free and Sovereign again...just look at the Order of the Songs on the Album...

"Red Rain"
"Don't Give Up"
"That Voice Again"
"In Your Eyes"
"Mercy Street"
"Big Time"
"We Do What We're Told (Milgram's 37)"
"This Is the Picture (Excellent Birds)"

Red Rain opened the Album because it was the WAKE UP and ARISE Song for this Plan of I demonstrated on my Video for Peter Gabriel's, Sledgehammer, we first had to get TOUGH in the Face of this Evil, and Fight Back against them, in God's Name, to Protect those of us who had become 'The Targets' for the Canaanites, such as our Children, and Fight Back HARD, like a Sledgehammer...Don't Give Up, his Duet with Kate Bush, was just that, a Plea for us to NEVER Give Up, even if the Evil seems to be too Large and Powerful to Defeat...That Voice Again, is that Voice of God, INSIDE of us, CALLING to us to WAKE UP, with Signs and Symbols Everywhere, like the 11:11 marker...In Your Eyes, another Video of mine, shows us that we Wake Up to God, to 'Speak' to Him, from WITHIN our Mind's Eye, as HE is The All Seeing Eye...this was followed by a Stunning Composition that shows us what happens when we Connect our Third Eye to God's All Seeing Eye in Mercy Street, where Trusting in God is our ONLY WAY to defeat this Evil, and to Bring Light upon this Good Earth once more...Big Time is the Big Time PAIN that we Bring to the Evil Ones once we are Aligned to God, when we are So Much Larger than Life...then the Album closes with two Reflective Songs, designed to remind us that we must NOT Lose this War against Evil...first was We Do What We're Told (Milgram's 37), yet another Video that I have done, that shows us to what lengths we will go, as Fallen Men and Women, when we GIVE IN and COMPLY to the Satanic System all around us, Stanley Milgram set up an experiment where People off of the Street were Paid to Participate in what they thought was REAL Electro-Shock Therapy to Test Patients every time they LIED to one of Milgram's Questions...the Knob that each Participant controlled with their Hands, showed Extreme Danger past a Certain Level, and yet 37 of the 40 People off of the Street who Participated in this 'Experiment' went PAST this Level, even when the Test Patients were screaming out in Agony for them to Stop...this experiment, while faked, was a Startling reminder of how we will DO ANYTHING that AUTHORITY DEMANDS of us, when we Capitulate to them, Blindly, instead of ALWAYS placing Common Sense, Decency, Kindness and Love First...and finally, This is the Picture (Excellent Birds) is a Song co-written by Gabriel with Laurie Anderson, where the Protagonist of the Story is INSIDE, Looking OUT to a Snowy Landscape, where he sees Most Excellent Birds FLYING, High in the Sky, and then he sees the People, Upside Down, Fallen, on the Ground, BUT Ready to Rise Again, once more, like these Snowy Birds, from this Snowy Dream, Within our Minds...

Thus, the Album 'So', started off by the Song, Red Rain, foreshadowing what WE MUST DO, Within ourselves, so that we would be Ready when we were Called to Action by the General of this White Hat Plan, President Donald J. Trump...and it All started by Waking Up to the Reality that there is an INVISIBLE Red Rain already Falling, that will become PHYSICALLY REAL if we do Nothing to Stop it...with the Ultimate Lines of the Song showing us, yet again, what we must Ultimately do to Stop ALL EVIL, for All Time...

'Red rain is coming down, red rain
Red rain is pouring down
Pouring down all over me,

Putting the pressure on much harder now
To return again and again,
just let the red rain splash you,
(Red rain) let the rain fall on your skin,
(Red rain) I come to you, defenses down,
(Oh, oh) with the trust of a child...'

And as they Amp up their Pressure against us, Driving us Crazy from Within, we Realize that ONLY GOD can stop this Evil Now, thus, we SURRENDER to God, All Defenses Down, with the Trust of a Child, which is PURE and WHOLE...and This Way, and ONLY This Way, are we ABEL to defeat Evil, Forevermore...Surrendering to God, with the Faith that a Child Possesses, Innocent and Pure...

Red Rain, NO MORE, so that the Skies will clear again, and that we will come to learn to Fly again, and seek God, High above the Tiffany Blue Sky...

With Love,


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