1. How to date & break up w working girls right way👯‍♂️ New scams pr0stitute pulled on guy new to game

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  3. Feliz navidad 🎄the day of giving should be every day, not just for Christmas.Be a giver not a taker🙏

    Feliz navidad 🎄the day of giving should be every day, not just for Christmas.Be a giver not a taker🙏

  4. Fresh bowl of tropical fruit cut and prepared for $5 in Rosarito. Life is better in Mexico

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  14. Sucker s1mp shares new scams the girls did to him & shares the working girl scene in Puerto Rico

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  15. My videos saved a guys life. Advice for getting cheated/divorce & Best way to recover.

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  16. Is the $30 visa fee at the Mexican border a scam? Are they just trying to rip me off with a bs bribe

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  20. They all know how to roll joints freehand. I love Mexico

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  21. Advice for guys new to pay for play game💸heading south for fun with latinas 👯‍♂️😎

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