3 months agoCompetition will keep YOU entangled in the affairs of the world, instead be focused on your CALLING!drock5690
3 months agoDo not get distracted and remain CALM continuing to do the work that the LORD has shown YOU!drock5690
3 months agoSpeak the MESSAGE the LORD has given YOU, because the TRUTH is what others need to HEAR from You!drock5690
3 months agoOur Focus should be on the LORD Jesus, reject ungodliness, and the immoral desires of the world!drock5690
3 months agoThe LORD will Send People to Comfort and Encourage your People, as YOU endure Persecution for Jesus!drock5690
2 months agoYou can see the Glory of God, if YOU will invite JESUS in to come and VISIT You that way!drock5690
3 months agoGive Thanks to God for Our Persecuted Brothers & Sisters Standing Firm in Faith for the LORD Jesus!drock5690
2 months agoThe LORD Jesus had the nature of man in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil in our lives!drock5690
4 months agoThe seed that You give to the LORD by faith will be multiplied, and returned back to you!drock5690
2 months agoThe hope that You have no matter what circumstance you may be facing is in the LORD Jesus!drock5690
2 months agoActive obedience in the LORD Jesus will require suffering, but he already HAS endured it for YOU!drock5690
4 months agoYou can experience visions for yourself, and the supernatural when the Holy Spirit comes upon YOU!drock5690
2 months agoJesus is always interceding on behalf of his people, because there is no other person who can!drock5690
2 months agoThe LORD Jesus is Supreme over EVERYTHING, and it must be subjected to his will, plan and purpose!drock5690
2 months agoYour inner man is RENEWED, as YOU worship JESUS, and enter the Holy of HOLIES, where Jesus is!drock5690
2 months agoThe moment YOU are Born Again all your sins are Forgiven and there is no longer a sacrifice for it!drock5690