1. Competition will keep YOU entangled in the affairs of the world, instead be focused on your CALLING!

    Competition will keep YOU entangled in the affairs of the world, instead be focused on your CALLING!

  2. Do not get distracted and remain CALM continuing to do the work that the LORD has shown YOU!

    Do not get distracted and remain CALM continuing to do the work that the LORD has shown YOU!

  3. Speak the MESSAGE the LORD has given YOU, because the TRUTH is what others need to HEAR from You!

    Speak the MESSAGE the LORD has given YOU, because the TRUTH is what others need to HEAR from You!

  4. Jesus will complete the work he started in your life, and will through others!

    Jesus will complete the work he started in your life, and will through others!

  5. Our Focus should be on the LORD Jesus, reject ungodliness, and the immoral desires of the world!

    Our Focus should be on the LORD Jesus, reject ungodliness, and the immoral desires of the world!

  6. The LORD will Send People to Comfort and Encourage your People, as YOU endure Persecution for Jesus!

    The LORD will Send People to Comfort and Encourage your People, as YOU endure Persecution for Jesus!

  7. You can see the Glory of God, if YOU will invite JESUS in to come and VISIT You that way!

    You can see the Glory of God, if YOU will invite JESUS in to come and VISIT You that way!

  8. You cannot write people off because they are useless to YOU!

    You cannot write people off because they are useless to YOU!

  9. Give Thanks to God for Our Persecuted Brothers & Sisters Standing Firm in Faith for the LORD Jesus!

    Give Thanks to God for Our Persecuted Brothers & Sisters Standing Firm in Faith for the LORD Jesus!

  10. The LORD Jesus had the nature of man in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil in our lives!

    The LORD Jesus had the nature of man in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil in our lives!

  11. The LORD can and will have mercy on those who deserted YOU or went off course!

    The LORD can and will have mercy on those who deserted YOU or went off course!

  12. F3F RC Glider racing, Southern California

    F3F RC Glider racing, Southern California

  13. The seed that You give to the LORD by faith will be multiplied, and returned back to you!

    The seed that You give to the LORD by faith will be multiplied, and returned back to you!

  14. The hope that You have no matter what circumstance you may be facing is in the LORD Jesus!

    The hope that You have no matter what circumstance you may be facing is in the LORD Jesus!

  15. Active obedience in the LORD Jesus will require suffering, but he already HAS endured it for YOU!

    Active obedience in the LORD Jesus will require suffering, but he already HAS endured it for YOU!

  16. The LORD is looking for his PEOPLE to be EXAMPLES of what our FAITH looks like!

    The LORD is looking for his PEOPLE to be EXAMPLES of what our FAITH looks like!

  17. You can experience visions for yourself, and the supernatural when the Holy Spirit comes upon YOU!

    You can experience visions for yourself, and the supernatural when the Holy Spirit comes upon YOU!

  18. The miracle that YOU are waiting on is on the other side of your giving!

    The miracle that YOU are waiting on is on the other side of your giving!

  19. You can receive a BREAKTHROUGH when YOU help others in their time of need!

    You can receive a BREAKTHROUGH when YOU help others in their time of need!

  20. Jesus is always interceding on behalf of his people, because there is no other person who can!

    Jesus is always interceding on behalf of his people, because there is no other person who can!

  21. There is no other minister, priest, or person greater than the LORD Jesus!

    There is no other minister, priest, or person greater than the LORD Jesus!

  22. The greatest spectacle in ALL creation is not the angels. It is the LORD Jesus!

    The greatest spectacle in ALL creation is not the angels. It is the LORD Jesus!

  23. The LORD Jesus is Supreme over EVERYTHING, and it must be subjected to his will, plan and purpose!

    The LORD Jesus is Supreme over EVERYTHING, and it must be subjected to his will, plan and purpose!

  24. Your inner man is RENEWED, as YOU worship JESUS, and enter the Holy of HOLIES, where Jesus is!

    Your inner man is RENEWED, as YOU worship JESUS, and enter the Holy of HOLIES, where Jesus is!

  25. The moment YOU are Born Again all your sins are Forgiven and there is no longer a sacrifice for it!

    The moment YOU are Born Again all your sins are Forgiven and there is no longer a sacrifice for it!
