1 year ago"never forget what these demons said and what they did!" The Highwire Vaccines = KillshotsHARPAXO
1 year agoB l a c k r o c k is l u c i f e r ' s purse - they print their own fake money not backed by goldHARPAXO
1 year agoListen to the insanity of this "teacher" pushing warped gender ideologies onto year 9 kidsHARPAXO
3 years agoDOOR TO DOOR JABS! - They Are About To FORCE Vaccinate People! - It's Happening!World Alternative Media
1 year ago"Joe Biden better hear this." Killjabs agenda sending politicians into the Eternal Lake of Fire."HARPAXO
1 year agolittle girl cant see a woman - transgenders love vaccines and take the mark of the Beast excitedlyHARPAXO
1 year agoAustralia and Russia are in the way of the New World Order Chaos and murder of 7.5 billion humansHARPAXO
1 year ago"Courts behind the scenes - Magistrate's Court corruption unkempt untidy satanic system" AE VogalHARPAXO
1 year ago"Yes2023 referendum is another government lie with no jurisdiction in law" 1 Fact Checkers AuHARPAXO
1 year ago"islam dirtying London!" - K S Tashmint; "look how Islam brings despair and ritual religiosity"HARPAXO
2 years agoSatan Lucifer's NWO is vaccinating children by force to exterminate them & destroying all baby foodsChristianRapture
1 year ago"This traitor betrayed Canada." "Trudeau in the Eternal Lake of Fire, God's Judgement is Coming."HARPAXO
3 years agoVaccinated dropping dead everywhere not reported by MainstreamMedia [mirrored]MyCatholicRedPill