1 year ago

🔴 Do leading members of secret societies managing many of the levers of influence throughout history wield genuine “knowledge known only to the inner elites”… or is something else at play?

DEMON HUNTER had a great Comment (Much of it true IMO) ::
Why do the Jews have such hatred and distain for the White Race? Based off my studies; the White Adamic race are the Canaanite Serpent Seeds (Jews) sworn enemy. White Christian Europeans are their Public Enemy #1 w/ the Adamic White Race and Jews having been at War with one another for centuries. The Jews are using Blacks, Migrant Invaders, BLM, Antifa, NAACP as Proxy Armies to destroy Adamic White Race via MultiCulturalism / Diversity known as the “The Great Replacement” or Kalergi Plan which is White Genocide via Miscegenation / MixBreeding. This is why Jews refuse Whites their own ethnic state and are flooding only White Christian European and Western Nations w/ Black Muslim Migrants. Once Adamic White Race is destroyed they have plans to target remaining races via Eugenics based vaccines either killing subjects and/or assimilating them into Satan’s AI Hive Mind devouring their life essence, free-will, spirit and soul; thus turning them into Human 2.0 Hackable Bots for the order. UN2030 15min Prison Cities are aimed at getting everyone out of the rural areas herding us into rack em and pack em smart cities; to which all will be forced to accept their black blood (Graphene oxide) mind virus vaccines assimilating all into Satan’s AI Hive Mind. Those whom refuse will be sent to FEMA camps and beheaded. In order to survive within these Prison Cities all will be forced to take RFID Chip which is Mark of the Beast in order to buy and sell. This RFID Chip is also an antenna which will hook up to the Graphen Oxide Programmable Matter Circuitry found within the vaccinated which will then assimilate the vaccinated into Satan’s AI Hive Mind; again turning subjects into Human 2.0 Bots for the Order with their Spirits/Souls devoured and memories erased. This while the Jews attempt to create their Jew World Order Utopia.

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