1998 Amightywind Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell! "Children are being force fed violence, death, destruction, homosexuality, porn,"
See satan's prophets Exposed! Home becomes Horror. Had HOLY SPIRIT but still Pretenders (Prophecy 13), studied dark teachings, became hybrids-fallen angel possessed, deadly false prophecies. INSANE & Violent
YAH'S Prophecy 101 (On Yom Kippur, an enhanced version) I, YAHUVEH, Say, “Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words.” "I will protect those who are MINE and the enemies own weapons shall consume them."
Amightywind Prophecy 15 - It's One Minute Until Midnight! YAHUSHUA Comes in the Midnight Hour! America "But now your leaders have gone awhoring after other gods, they have called themselves MINE, yet mock all that is holy."
Amightywind Prophecy 39 - ANOINTED HOLY EAGLES, COME FORTH! "Fight against the attacks of the unholy vultures. Anointed Holy Eagles of MINE, I have hidden you safely away from this world's eyes, away from the church systems."
Prophecy 69 - “There Is A Coming Of The Changing Of The Guards!” satan boasts how he can Clone/Copy-Paste false Prophets/man says he's god/holy replaced by evil ones/faith in Science & Gov. and more
Prophecy 68 "Mock Me (YAHUVEH) If You Dare!" False prophets have nothing inside. YAH SAYS "You shall recognize each other by the anointing of the Spirit,." "and you shall recognize the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH inside.&
Prophecy 3 - Beware of Satanic Plants in the Churches! "a plant for satan, to bring confusion, hopelessness, rebellion, destruction, poverty, lying, deceiving spirits and to steal the little faith.."
3 Prophecy Excerpts YAH Warns of Extreme Risks in Public Schools "Get them out of the dens of the anti-christ before it is too late." State Owned Grooming/Hate/Lust ect...