2 years ago🔵Debt Discharge, How the System operates against you | Wed night round table 2021-08-04Vocational Science of Freedom
2 years ago🔵Discharge of Debt and Open Mic Night | VSOF open round table talks.Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵Your options after getting a traffic ticket. | VSOF Civics and Sovereignty ClassVocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵Magna Carta (1) Overview and analysis | VSOF Sat Civics & Sovereignty class 2022-12-3Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🟠How Your Estates are Stolen by Fraud at Birth 1. | VSOF Civics and Sovereignty classVocational Science of Freedom
2 years ago🔵VSOF TimeLine Class Part 1: Lies and Thievery of 4000 years, History of the Old-world order Anew.Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year agoPfizer CEO Albert Bourla admits Israel is the 'world's lab.’ Please Read Article in description.Biological Medicine
9 months ago🦅 Sovereignty 🦅 We the People do not yield our Sovereignty to the agencies that serve us⚡ 2024-4-6Vocational Science of Freedom
8 months ago🔵High Prerogative writs, Quo Warranto, Mandamus, Habeus - Use them to take down a State! 🦅Vocational Science of Freedom
6 months ago🔵1215.org Overview & Common law intro. Bill T. | VSOF Sat night Civics and Sovereignty class.Vocational Science of Freedom
6 months ago🔵Your estate Administered, from birth to death 1. - Treatise on the Law of American Admin.Vocational Science of Freedom
6 months ago🔵Burness Speakman 2 - The Legacy of the Constitution for the United States | Reclaim your estateVocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵Part 4. Rebuttable Presumptions, How tyrants and black robed priests enslave the world.Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔴1,900 food processing plants have been closed or destroyed in the last year, You are at war!Vocational Science of Freedom
10 months ago🟢Florida sheriff would prefer People shoot home invaders. You'll save taxpayers money. Sounds good!Vocational Science of Freedom
2 years ago🔵Why we lost our Allodial Lands in America, AND how you can get them back! | VSOF C&S class.Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵Arbitration - History and Power | Guest class on, Sovereign Americans United Guilded ServerVocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵Status terms, what YOU are and what you are NOT under the common law. 2022-04-23Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔴 Top 100 Things that disappear first in any Emergency. | VSOF Wed night round table (2021-9-1)Vocational Science of Freedom