Jesus | Is Jesus Returning Soon? 1st Thessalonians Chapter 4, Revelation 13:16-18, Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24, Revelation 12:6, Revelation 13:11 + Why Does Google, CERN & the World Economic Forum Use a 666 Logo?
1st Thessalonians Chapter 4 | Apostle Paul Wrote 1st Thessalonians While Inspired By God + Where Can We Find Hope During Perilous Times? What Does the Bible Have to Say About The Rapture? What Is the Narrow Path That Leads to Heaven?
Hamas | Is Hamas Referenced In the Bible? | Is the Word Hamas a Biblical Word Going Back to Genesis Chapter 6:5? In Hebrew Hamas Means Violence? Did You Know That Gaza Is Referenced In the Bible? (Amos 1:7 & Zephaniah 2:4)