Jesus | Did Jesus Prophecy the Events Currently Happening NOW In Israel? Read: Luke 21, Mark 13, Matthew 24 + Read: Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Revelation 16:12-14 + Are We Headed Down the Road to Armageddon
VIDEO #3 of. #5 APRIL 13*2023 *CANADA* USMCA CHAPTER 27 CORRUPTION * NUREMBURG 2.0 WW#3 WAR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITIES * CANADIAN TRAITORS 666 *75%* satanic lucifarian *freemasons*eastern star freemasons*jesuits* *collingwood* general marine hospital*
CBDC | Why Are the Amazon And Walletmor Companies Pushing the Concept of Paying With Your Hand? What Does the Text Found In Revelation Chapter 13- 16-18 Say?