6 months ago

May 13, 2024
Derrick Broze - The Conscious Resistance
It’s Time to Finish The Pyramid of Power Docu-Series!
Lol. At least he is honest and ADMITS that he is not even sure who is at the top of the Pyramid of Power.
It’s Time to Finish The Pyramid of Power Docu-Series!
His goal is to Expose who is at the Top of the Pyramid in the final 4 episodes. Sadly, I think he misses the mark in this first of the final 4. Let us hope that he learns who is behind the Globalist NWO before he finishes his 17th video on the subject...
Don't get me wrong. His documentaries are great. But they do not even come close to what the name of his series implies.
Conscious Resistance Network presents: The Pyramid of Power
In the 14th episode of this 17 part series, Derrick Broze focuses on the history of the use of false flag tactics. Derrick briefly looks at the 9/11 attacks, the 1995 OKC Bombing, and the 2018 Syria gas attacks.
See the article I have linked below:
Giuseppe Mazzini: Grand Magician of Divide-and-Conquer, Co-Opted Nationalism
(((Giuseppe Mazzini created a Global Army of Revolutionaries that staged False Flags. Backed by the British Cabal and the Freemason's)))
***Another character of historical note is Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872). Mazzini was a 33rd Degree Freemason, a British Intelligence agent, a revolutionary terrorist and founder of Young Europe and Young Italy, a network of revolutionary groups designed to cause chaos around the world, which eventually grew to include Young America, Young Russia, Young Bosnia, Young Turks and B’nai B’rith.***
Giuseppe Mazzini, The Illuminati Freemason British NWO Revolutionary
was up front about the whole scheme:
“We aspire to corrupt in order to govern … We have taken from the people all the gods of heaven and earth … their religious faith, their faith in monarchy, their honesty and their family virtues …”
MIrrored From:
Lol. I found This video series and was rather dismayed that he was using the same name for the series as I was using (The Pyramid of Power) and was using it well ahead of mine.
Ugh. His videos have an actual Production Team and has a higher quality level than mine. Even so. He still does not reach the level of truth that I cover. They only reach about 80% of the "Most Essential Truth." Lol. Even with 20 videos he still has not Covered the last 20%. And that is by far the hardest part to learn.
Very many people now understand that 80% of the Big Picture. At least the outline of the concept. There is so, so much more information that is related to these subjects that it would be nearly impossible to cover it all. And most people never will learn things at such a deep level.
So this series is good for beginners, and helpful to intermediate learners. But, personally I think they have spent so much time and work and still failed to reach the bottom line. Who is ultimately behind it all and how and why are they doing it.
No mention of the Obama Executive Order changing the Smith Mundt Act that Made False Flags a Legal form of Domestic Propaganda? No mention of the CIA and Mossad involvement in False Flags? Or the Government Agencies running them? No report Freemason involvement with FFlags? (And Fusion Center Targeted Individual Attacks)
For instance. He brings up the False Flag Attacks in Italy that was part of Operation GLADIO. Yet fails to mention anything deeper about NATO and it's control by the British Led Globalist Cabal and Chatham House. (The Pilgrim's Society)
Nor did he mention that it was being ran by the P2 Freemason Lodge. Or that project GLADIO never had it's True Claimed Objectives of Fighting Communism as their GOAL. The USSR was not a True Enemy, but was Established and Propped up by Britain, USA, the Banksters and Mega Corporation Cabal. "A MANUFACTURED BOGEY MAN."
The True Goal of NATO and Project GLADIO is to force Global Compliance to the Globalist/Bankster NWO Agenda. And to Thwart any True Movement that leads towards Freedom and returning the power of Governance to the people.
This follows in the tradition set by Giuseppe Mazzini, the British Agent and coconspirator of Albert Pike. The Revolutionary Mazzini established Terrorist Groups to prevent other Nations from adopting an American styled form of Government of a Constitutional Republic. These groups were named after their country. Such as "The Young Turks"
Giuseppe Mazzini and the Young Turks.
Just in this one little article there is more deep truth that Exposes the Hidden Hand behind the NWO than this entire video.
(((Giuseppe Mazzini created a Global Army of Revolutionaries that staged False Flags. Backed by the British Cabal and the Freemason's)))
Giuseppe Mazzini: Grand Magician of Divide-and-ConqGiuseppe Mazziniuer, Co-Opted Nationalism
The Hidden World of Benjamin Disraeli, a Made Man and Opportunist
Jewish (Rothschild) British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli
In fact, Disraeli in “Lord George Bentinck: a Political Biography” (London, 1882, p. 357) put it succinctly in referring to the 1848 Revolutions.
“When the secret societies, in February 1848, surprised Europe, they were themselves surprised by the unexpected opportunity, and so little capable were they of seizing the occasion, that had it not been for the Jews, who of late years unfortunately have been connecting themselves with these unhallowed associations, imbecile as were the governments, the uncalled for outbreak would not have ravaged Europe.”
***Another character of historical note is Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872). Mazzini was a 33rd Degree Freemason, a British Intelligence agent, a revolutionary terrorist and founder of Young Europe and Young Italy, a network of revolutionary groups designed to cause chaos around the world, which eventually grew to include Young America, Young Russia, Young Bosnia, Young Turks and B’nai B’rith.***
***England was, in Mazzini’s own words, “my real home, if I have any” (qtd. in Trevelyan, “Introduction” xxi).***
A copy of the book “The Duties of Man” by Giuseppe Mazzini resides at the Great Lodge of the Great East of Italy GOI and was given to Grand Master Stefano Bisi. Mazzini had understood that Freemasonry was a powerful lever with which to revolutionize the world.
After Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, died on Nov. 18, 1830,  Mazzini was appointed head of the organization in 1834.
(If Mazzini was in fact the new leader of the Illuminati, that would be an indicator of the lower level of power that the Illuminati possessed. For Mazzini was most definitely a flunky of the British Cabal. Personally I would guess Mazzini was more of a General than a Illuminati King. The British Cabal and Mazzini may have shared many of the same goals, but was most certainly far lower in the pecking order.)
While attending Genoa University, Mazzini became a 33rd degree Mason and joined a secret organization known as the Carbonari.
Carbonari (1818): “Our final aim is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution — the complete annihilation of Catholicism, and ultimately all Christianity.”
(Regardless of what beliefs formed the Motivations behind Mazzini, he was funded by and used by the British Empire as part of their plans for World Domination. And his Terrorist Organizations were very effective)
***In 1831, he was exiled to France where he founded the “Young Societies” movement, which included Giovane Italia (Young Italy), Young England, etc. This group united those who wanted to achieve unification through force.***
And as we see so frequently in what has been dubbed “Palmerston Zoo,” Mazzini moved to England in 1837 spending 11 years before returning to Italy in 1848 to lead the revolution against the Austrians. Again, he was exiled. Lord Broghman called Mazzini “the head of the assassination department in Rome.” The intrigues of Mazzini are too numerous to be given justice in a 1000 word post.

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