Alex Jones | Alex Jones Joins Roger Stone to Discuss What Is Inside the COVID-19 Shots and the History of Alex Jones & INFOWars Program + 7 Tickets Remain for the Nashville ReAwaken America Tour Event
Central Bank Digital Currency will be ‘programmable… ultimately giving the issuer control over *how it is spent by the recipient*… your freedom to purchase fuel, meat, flights, fertiliser… will be limited to a carbon credit score.
Artificial Intelligence | "If A.I. Has a Goal & Humanity Happens to Be In the Way It Will Destroy Humanity As a Matter of Course, No Hard Feelings." - Elon Musk + What Is: Anthropocene? U.S. Military's LOCUST Program? Revelation 9:3? +
BRICS | Is the World Moving Away from the U.S. Dollar? "I've Got a BAD FEELING About This." Including: There Will Be Bank Failures." - U.S. Fed Chair, BRICS, CBDC, Bank Term Funding Program, Blank-Cheque, Dodd-Frank, Bail-Ins
Andy Schectman | Banking Collapse 101: BRICS, CBDC, Bank Term Funding Program, Blank-Cheque, Dodd-Frank, Bail-Ins, Deposits, FDIC, Regional & Small Bank Failures Consolidation, "There Will Be Bank Failures." - U.S. Fed Chair