Mosquito Bio-Warfare Vaccines?

1 year ago

Mosquito Bio-Warfare Vaccines?

Feb. 17, 2024

The Children's Health Defense

What is mosquito bio-warfare? Is it ‘safe and effective’?

What relationship does it have with smart cities and digital infrastructure in general?

And who is behind this agenda to release genetically modified insects into our environment?

Flying Syringes

As we read Dr. Joseph Merocla’s article as republished below, we can’t but help recall that in August 2022, the National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) introduced vaccination via genetically modified (“GM”) mosquitoes. GM is an alternative term for GE.

In what researchers described as “1,000 small flying syringes,” the National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) successfully inoculated a human volunteer with a malaria vaccine through the bites of infected, genetically modified mosquitoes.

About 200 hungry mosquitoes bit the arms of the people taking part in the trial. The participants placed their arms directly over a small box full of hungry bloodsuckers. “We use the mosquitoes like they’re 1,000 small flying syringes,” said researcher Dr. Sean Murphy, as reported by NPR.

Three to five “vaccinations” took place over 30-day intervals. The mosquitos gave minor versions of malaria that didn’t make people sick but gave them antibodies. Efficacy from the antibodies lasted a few months.

According to Free Thought Project, “Researchers say the genetically modified mosquitos will not be used at large to vaccinate millions of people. The reason why mosquitos were used instead of syringes, they claim, was to save costs.”

In April 2020, the US Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) approved an initial Experimental Use Permit (“EUP”), allowing Oxitec to release its GE mosquitoes on 6,240 acres of Monroe County, Florida, and 360 acres of Harris County, Texas.

By April 2021, Oxitec had released nearly 5 million A. aegypti mosquitoes in the Florida Keys over a seven-month period,4 against the wishes of many residents and environmental groups. In March 2022, the EPA granted Oxitec a two-year extension of its EUP, which would allow the biotech company to release additional GE mosquitoes in Florida as well as in four counties in California for the first time.

With the extension, GE mosquitoes may be released on 29,400 acres in Stanislaus, Fresno, Tulare and San Bernardino counties in California, through 30 April 2024, “to generate efficacy data in different climatic zones.” Harris County, Texas, is no longer an approved release site for the GE mosquitoes.

The EPA’s extension to Oxitec’s EUP paved the way for up to 2.45 billion GE mosquitoes to be released – an extension that was granted even before Oxitec had publicly released results from its 2021 field trial release in Florida. The Gates Foundation is heavily invested in the GE mosquito project, investing more than $30 million in Oxitec. Most of it – more than $20 million – is aimed at U.S. regions.

Viewers, tune in to ‘Good Morning CHD’ for an in-depth look at this buzzing topic, and watch other educational, exciting programs on CHD.TV!


British-based Company Set to Release Billions of GM Mosquitoes in Two US States, The Exposé, 24 March 2022

Flashback: Chemtrails, vaccines and the many diseases they cause, The Exposé, 5 July 2023



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