10 months agoTHE GREAT ONE CIRCLE - Vital Information That the Satanic NWO Cabal Doesn't Want the World to KnowLiberty TV
10 months agoDIRE WARNING: The Satanic NWO Cabal Aims to Take Over All Countries Politically and Religiously !!!Liberty TV
10 months agoRED ALERT ! The Secret Agents of the Satanic NWO Cabal Have Infiltrated All or Most Countries !Liberty TV
10 months ago35 KM ALTITUDE: Horizon Level = Cam Level (If Earth Were a Globe, the Horizon Would Not Rise At All)Liberty TV
10 months agoThe Oscillations of the Center of the Known World Map on the Non-Solid Plasma Moon | Vibes of CosmosLiberty TV
10 months agoDifferent Full Moons Show Larger and Stationary Flat Earth with Hidden Continents | Vibes of CosmosLiberty TV
10 months agoR.I.P. Globe Earth & NASA: True Lens Correction Lessons on Blue Origin for Globe Earthers | NDRLiberty TV
9 months agoGet the Lawmakers in Your Country to Zoom in on the Local, Plasma Moon with a Nikon P900 or Better !Liberty TV
10 months agoIs There a Horizon on the Plane/Flat Earth? ABSOLUTELY YES! Don't Be Duped by NASA Agents/Trolls!Liberty TV
9 months agoPhotoshop Debunks the "Shadow" on the "Solid, Round" Moon! Reform Governments! Reclaim Plasma Moon!Liberty TV
9 months agoShow Day & Night Footage of Plasma Moon = Easiest Way to Disprove Moon Landings & Create PM Rebels !Liberty TV
9 months agoNo Craft Can Land on the Moon's Near/Far Side! Don't Be Duped by Cabal-Controlled/Threatened Govts!Liberty TV
9 months agoThe HORIZON LINE Completely Destroys the Globe Earth, Curved Ocean Psyop of the Satanic NWO CabalLiberty TV
9 months agoWARNING! Whoever Wants to Free Their Country from the Satanic NWO Cabal Had Better Do This ASAPLiberty TV
8 months agoSpherical and Toroidal Plasmoids in Xenon Plasma Bottle | Zerg Labs and Sifun R & DLiberty TV
8 months agoRoseanne Barr Asks David Weiss Whether Man Has Been to the Moon - Can She Handle the Truth?Liberty TV
8 months agoThe Behavior of the Horizon Confirms Flat Earth! Don't Be Duped by Cabal/NASA Agents/Trolls!Liberty TV
8 months agoExtremely Simple Test to Prove 100% Flat Earth! Don't Be Duped by Cabal/NASA Agents/Trolls!Liberty TV
8 months agoProof of the Moon Producing Its Own Light! Don't Be Duped by Cabal/NASA Agents/Trolls!Liberty TV
8 months agoIRREFUTABLE PROOF: The Sun and Moon Are Local! Heliocentric Lie of the Satanic NWO Cabal EXPOSED!Liberty TV
8 months agoGematria Expert Exposes the Satanic Fraudulent Space Program to Save Mankind (Music Removed)Liberty TV
8 months agoThe World-Stage Power Structure, Controlled-Opposition Agents, Flat Earth, Gematria and MoreLiberty TV