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House of Aldobrandini
Cause Before Symptom - With Your Host James Carner
House of Aldobrandini
Breakspeare supporter, linked with Medici, Mossimos and Pamphili.
Tied with the Medici’s. Apulian Mafia, sylvester stalone, The Aldobrandinis follow after the Massimos and have intermarried with the Massimo-Lancellotti branch. Cult of hades. David Rothschild married into the Aldobrandini bloodline with the pretty Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini. Cinzio Aldobrandini, the nephew of Pope Clement VIII.
He was a cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church and lived much of his life in service to the Vatican. His tomb is decorated with a sculpture of Death which depicts Saint Peter in chains which according to scripture is exactly the agenda of the Luciferians.
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The Name Aldobrandini derives from The Constellation Alde-Baeran , there we find The Morning Star which represents Lucifer The Light Bearer. Below right is the villa at which the marriage between David Rothschild and Olimpia Aldobrandini held importance, but it is in the symbolism of the entire estate that serves to enlighten us further into the private life of families that present a Christian and indeed Jewish front protocol, or the public persona,’ yet when you examine the foundations and their actions we see the exact opposite to be the case in the private.
The House of Aldobrandini is an Italian noble family originally from Florence, where in the Middle Ages they held the most important municipal offices. Now the Aldobrandini are resident in Rome, with close ties to the Vatican.
Their Roman fortunes were made when Ippolito Aldobrandini became pope under the name Pope Clement VIII. He arranged the marriage that linked the Aldobrandini with the Roman family of Pamphili. They were also linked to marriage alliances with the Farnese (Ranuccio I, duke of Parma, had married Margherita Aldobrandini) and Borghese (since Olimpia Aldobrandini married Paolo Borghese).
The family also lends its name to the Palazzo Aldobrandini on the Quirinal Hill. The Aldobrandini family, having reached the height of its powers when Ippolito Aldobrandini became Pope Clement VIII (1592–1605), began the building of the villa. In 1600 Clement VIII acquired the Orti Vitelli on the Quirinal hill and in 1601 donated the property to his Cardinal-nephew Pietro Aldobrandini. The old buildings of the Vitelli Family were demolished and construction began on the new villa and adjacent garden. The villa was never the family seat as the Aldobrandini family owned even more splendid residences elsewhere in Rome. The villa on the Quirinal hill served essentially for ceremonial functions.
More famous was the Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati. Also known as Belvedere for its charming location overlooking the whole valley up to Rome, it was rebuilt on the order of Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini over a pre-existing edifice built by the Vatican prelate Alessandro Rufini in 1550. The villa, aligned with the cathedral down its axial avenue that is continued through the town as Viale Catone, was rebuilt in the current form by Giacomo della Porta from 1598 to 1602, and then completed by Carlo Maderno and Giovanni Fontana. The villa has an imposing 17th-century façade and some other interesting architectural and environmental features, such as the double gallery order on the rear façade, the spiral-shaped flights, the large exedra of the Water Theatre and the magnificent park. Inside there are paintings of Mannerist and Baroque artists such as the Zuccari brothers, Cavalier D’Arpino and Domenichino. Outside there is a monumental gate by Carlo Francesco Bizzaccheri (early 18th century).
The Doria, Pamphilj, Landi and Aldobrandini families have become united through marriage and descent under the simplified surname Doria Pamphilj (which is now extinct since the death of Princess Orietta Doria Pamphlij in 2000). The Aldobrandini family palazzo and its collections of works of art and furnishings is now the Doria Pamphilj Gallery in Rome.
The family name lives on, however, via a branch of the Borghese family, descended from the marriage of Olimpia Aldobrandini with Prince Paolo Borghese in the 17th century. This line is descended from Don Camillo Borghese, Prince Aldobrandini (1816–1902), a leading member of the soi-disant Black Nobility, who in turn was the younger brother of the then Prince Borghese and head of that family. Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, also a non-lineal descendant of Napoleon on her mother’s side, married into the Rothschild family.
The Head of the family today is Prince Camillo Aldobrandini (b. 1945), whose heir is Don Clemente Aldobrandini (b. 1982).
Notable Members
Alessandro Cardinal Aldobrandini (1667–1734), raised to the cardinalate 1730.
Bonifazio Bevilacqua Aldobrandini
Ippolito Cardinal Aldobrandini (Jr.)
Silvestro Cardinal Aldobrandini
Cinzio Passeri Cardinal Aldobrandini, a Cardinal-nephew of Clement VIII, raised to the cardinalate 1593.
Pietro Cardinal Aldobrandini (1571–1621), raised to the cardinalate 1593 by Clement VIII.
The Aldobrandini family are an extremely idiotic, evil, and creepy bloodline and they oversee the Cult of Hades which is a murderous and cannibalistic cult of pedophiles. The Aldobrandinis are involved with the Vatican and banking and are currently married with the French Rothschild family. They are also top managers of the Jesuits and they are architects of serial killers. They are also married with the Antinori family of Florence and have inherited a villa in Florence and ducal titles in Apulia. Marchese Piero Antinori is the current head of this family. The Aldobrandinis produced one pope and several cardinals for the Roman Catholic Church. The name Aldobrandini derives from the Arabic word Aldebaran which means the "follower." The Aldobrandini clan came into Europe during the Moorish invasion and have an Arabic, Saracen, and Basque ancestry. Today the Aldobrandinis have an alliance with Sunni Muslim leaders. The royal family of Saudi Arabia have a close relationship with the Vatican and a covert alliance with the Aldobrandinis. Ignatius Loyola who was a co-founder of the Jesuits and its first Superior General was of Basque descent and likely related with this family. Loyola was a soldier for the Spanish Dukes of Najera a title now claimed by the Colon or Columbus family. The Aldobrandinis follow after the Massimos and have intermarried with the Massimo-Lancellotti branch. The Massimo's Vatican came first and the Jesuits followed after just as Aldebaran means the follower. The Black Nobility uses its Jesuit universities to recruit Roman spies and agents and the Aldobrandini family have a portion of authority over the Society of Jesus with their Jesuit-Hades cult branch located at Loyola of New Orleans with Tania Tetlow as president of the college. Pope Clement VIII or Ippilito Aldobrandini issued the Congregatio de Auxiliis as a peace agreement between the Jesuits and Dominicans. Ranuccio I Farnese married Margherita Aldobrandini and it was the Farnese family that officially established the Jesuits. The current head of the Aldobrandinis is Prince Camillo Aldobrandini and his son is Prince Clemente Aldobrandini. Clemente means mercy or gentle. They use gentleness as a cover similar to the way some pedophiles target children.
The heads of the Aldobrandinis are Prince Francesco Aldobrandini the Duke of Brindisi in Apulia and he resides at the Palazzo Antinori in Florence along with his half brother Prince Giovanni Ferdinando Amerigo Aldobrandini. Prince Camillo and his son Prince Clemente are also high level members. Amerigo is where America got its name. Sylvester Stallone's family is from Apulia and he can be seen shaking hands with David Meyer de Rothschild. The Stallones are members of the Apulian Mafia. The Apulian Mafia has thousands of members operating in New Jersey. The actors on the show Jersey Shore are all connected with mafia clans. The Vatican has also covertly made Sylvester Stallone the ceremonial leader of their Order of Saint Sylvester and Vicar of Atlas. Atlas refers to Atlantis as well as Atlantic like Atlantic City. The Aldobrandinis are part owners of the Apulian Mafia also called the Sacra Corona Unita which have an operation in New Jersey. The Savoy-Aostas which are the Dukes of Apulia are also part owners of the Apulian Mafia. New Jersey is a mafia headquarters for human trafficking. They have deeply infiltrated the New York and New Jersey Port Authority. The Aldobrandinis have a portion of ownership over the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey with Simone Rizzo DeCavalcante Jr who resides in Naples, Florida. The DeCavalcantes have a faction in Florida. The DeCavalcantes are involved in all forms of organized crime including waste management with one of its founders was nicknamed Sam the Plumber. The mafia disposes of bodies and body parts in landfills and sewage plants. The Italian Mafia often hires criminal bikers for their hits especially when the hit is a non Italian or not connected to the mafia. The extremely depraved rapper RZA took his rap name for Simone Rizzo DeCavalcante and he is an agent of the DeCavalcantes and Aldobrandinis. RZA's brother is a rapper named 9th Prince. RZA lives in New Jersey and is a boss of the AVLN and Five Percenter Islamic supremacist group and he provides a defense for the human trafficking ring in New Jersey. When I originally exposed that there is a Arab Mafia in New Jersey that are involved in human trafficking RZA sent some goons to my house at 3:00AM to try and intimidate me. De-Caval-Cante. Caval means a cave. Hades means the underworld and deep underground caverns. Jesuits are involved in sacrificing people including children and they often do this in caverns.
Cinzio Aldobrandini was a Roman Catholic Cardinal and there is the Reaper of Death statue with a sickle at his tomb at San Pietro in Vincoli along with the Aldobrandini coat of arms and this displays their sinister nature. Cardinal Donald Wuerl was recently Archbishop of Washington DC and is also the Cardinal of San Pietro in Vincoli. The Aldobrandinis still own their old villa in Frascati which looks really creepy. Around their villa they have creepy statues of Poseidon, Pan, and Atlas. Members of the Cult of Hades include the child murdering pedophile actor Johnny Depp who was in the movie the Ninth Gate which refers to Pluto or Hades the ninth planet. Roman Polanski produced the movie the Ninth Gate and he is a convicted pedophile who raped and drugged a young girl. Johnny Depp publicly supported the West Memphis Three which was three older teens that murdered three young boys and Johnny Depp has been a major supporter of these murderers. Johnny Depp is also close friends with Marilyn Manson who is a priest of the Church of Satan and follower of Aleister Crowley. Johnny Depp has done dozens of kids and family movies and is friends with Satanic priests and supports three convicted child murderers. The wrestler Roman Reigns takes his name from Rome and he is a ruthless and murderous agent of the Aldobrandinis. Roman Reigns or Joe Anoaʻi is a cannibalistic monster. The Aldobrandinis have married with the Italian Banchieri family which are an old Italian banking family and their name means bankers. It is possible the Rothschilds have a relation to the Banchieris. Paul Sarlo is a state senator and businessman in New Jersey and he is a covert associate of the DeCavalcante crime syndicate and an agent of the Aldobrandinis. Sarlo works in the construction industry as chief operating officer of Joseph Sanzari Inc. The mafia specialize in construction rackets and build covert underground facilities and bunkers used for sex trafficking of women and children and human sacrifice. Joseph Sanzari is the CEO of his company and a high level gangster.
The Aldobrandinis had stocks seized by the United States government in the 40's-50's through the Trading with the Enemy Act likely for working with the Italian Fascists. Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini is married to Baron David Rene de Rothschild who is the head of the French Rothschild family and their son Alexandre de Rothschild is currently the head of N M Rothschild & Sons today and he is an Aldobrandini. In Judaism the Jewish lineage is passed down from the mother so it should be a Roman Catholic Rothschild-Aldobrandini that inherits the Rothschild bank or a portion of its ownership. Prince Camillo Aldobrandini is friends with Antonio Purini and Purini can be seen associating with Cornelius Brandi the Executive Chairman of CMS and Senior Partner of CMS Germany which is a international law firm headquartered in Switzerland that assists in tax evasion. Brandi like Aldo-brandini. The Rothschilds have also married with the Brandolini d'Adda family of Venice. Brando-lini like Aldo-brandini. The Aldobrandini also merged a family branch with the Borghese banking family of Rome under Prince Paolo Borghese and this branch intermarried with the House of Bonaparte. The French House of Bonaparte still covertly govern France and are loyal to the Black Nobility of Rome and Italian royals. Prince Camillo Borghese or Pope Paul V created the Bank of the Holy Spirit in 1605 and the bank eventually merged into UniCredit. The Borghese and Aldobrandini families have an alliance and they have married with the royal family of France and the top bankers of the France the Rothschilds. The Aldobrandinis are involved with infiltrating major ports for human trafficking. Rick Cotton is the executive director of the New York and New Jersey Port Authority and he enables organized crime and child trafficking. The Aldobrandini crime family are involved with pedophilia, satanic ritual abuse, human sacrifice, cannibalism, human flesh trafficking, human trafficking, murder, conspiring against foreign governments, and terrorism. Members of this wicked family include Prince Giovanni Aldobrandini, Prince Camillo Aldobrandini, Prince Clemente Aldobrandini, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini-Rothschild, Alexandre de Rothschild, and Prince Francesco Aldobrandini the Duke of Brindisi.
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Prince Giovanni Aldobrandini is a top authority over the Jesuits and an owner of the DeCavalcante crime family.
Don Giovanni Ferdinando Amerigo Aldobrandini
Brother of Private and Camillo, principe Aldobrandini
Half brother of Francesco Aldobrandini
Clemente Aldobrandini, Ferdinando Aldobrandini, as heirs of Giuseppe Aldobrandini, Rome, Italy.
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Prince Camillo Aldobrandini on the right with the deceased Italian ambassador Antonio Purini. Prince Camillo is a sadistic murderer and he sacrificed and cannibalized his daughter Princess Cinzia Aldobrandini. Prince Camillo Aldobrandini's son Prince Clemente Aldobrandini is also really sinister and murderous and he uses compassion and mercy as a weapon. The Aldobrandinis are the top managers of the modern Cult of Hades and primary owners of the DeCavalcante crime family and Apulian Mafia.
The Aldobrandini are an Italian noble family from Florence, with close ties to the Vatican. Its Roman fortunes were made when Ippolito Aldobrandini became pope under the name Pope Clement VIII. He arranged the marriage that linked the Aldobrandini with the Roman family of Pamphili. Additionally, they were also linked to marriage alliances with the Farnese (Ranuccio I, duke of Parma, had married Margherita Aldobrandini) and Borghese (since Olimpia Aldobrandini married Paolo Borghese).
The princely family is currently represented by Prince Camillo Aldobrandini (b. 1945), whose heir is Don Clemente Aldobrandini (b. 1982).[2]
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Antonio Purini with Cornelius Brandi who works as an international tax lawyer for CMS and runs their German branch and he also works in banking. The Brandi family were also Nazis. CMS has a large branch in Switzerland where banking is private. Brandi like the name Aldo-brandini.
Cornelius Brandi specialises in corporate and maritime law.
He has been a member of the CMS Executive Committee since its inception in 1999 and its Chairman from 2008 to 2019.
Cornelius Brandi holds several positions with public and private institutions and is, among others, advisory board member of a large German bank and board member of a large downstream oil company. In addition, Cornelius is also Chairman of various trusts and foundations.
Albrecht Brandi (20 June 1914 – 6 January 1966) was a German U-boat commander in Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during World War II.
Ernst Brandi (13 July 1875 – 22 October 1937) was a German mining engineer, industrial manager and chairman of the Ruhrbergbau.[1] He participated in the Secret Meeting of 20 February 1933 between Hitler and 20 to 25 industrialists aimed at financing the election campaign of the Nazi Party.
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Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini's tomb with the reaper and the Aldobrandini coat of arms above.
San Pietro in Vincoli (Saint Peter in Chains) is a Roman Catholic titular church and minor basilica in Rome, Italy, best known for being the home of Michelangelo's statue of Moses, part of the tomb of Pope Julius II.
The Titulus S. Petri ad vincula was assigned on 20 November 2010, to Donald Wuerl.
The tomb of Cardinal Cinzio Passeri Aldobrandini, decorated with an allegorical skeletal representation of Death, is also in the church.
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Cardinal Donald Wuerl was recently the Archbishop of Washington DC and the Cardinal of San Pietro of Vincoli. Cardinal Wuerl is a pedophile and child murderer working for the Aldobrandinis.
Donald William Wuerl (born November 12, 1940) is an American prelate of the Catholic Church, and was Archbishop of Washington, D.C. from 2006 to 2018.
Wuerl was widely considered to be a bishop who was proactive in confronting sexual abuse.[62] Wuerl won plaudits and criticism for his efforts to remove sexually abusive clergy years before other church leaders made similar efforts.[4] After the release of a grand jury investigation report in August 2018, he received a great deal of criticism for how he had handled some abuse cases.[63][64]
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Aldobrandini Villa is very creepy
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Statue of Atlas a Greek deity who supposedly holds up the world. Atlas really holds up the underworld.
The "Atlantic Ocean" is derived from "Sea of Atlas". In Ancient Greek, Plato's Timaeus dialogue also mentions "Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος" (English:"Atlantis nisos") meaning "Atlas's Island", giving rise to the English derivative: Atlantis (Atlantean / of Atlas).[8]
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Roman Polanski the convicted pedophile who made the movie the Ninth Gate with Johnny Depp.
Roman Polański (/pəˈlænski/ pə-LAN-skee, Polish: [ˈrɔman pɔˈlaj̃skʲi] (listen); born 18 August 1933 in Paris; original name Raymond Thierry Liebling[2]) is a Polish-French[3] film director, producer, writer, and actor. Since 1978, Polanski has been a fugitive from the U.S. criminal justice system; he fled the country while awaiting sentencing in his sexual abuse case on charges of drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl and after pleading guilty to statutory rape.[4] He remains the subject of an Interpol red notice issued for his arrest, and therefore rarely leaves France.[5]
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Johnny Depp is a Satanist and supporter of the West Memphis Three which are three young men convicted of murdering three children as a satanic sacrifice. Johnny Depp supports these child murderers because Johnny Depp is a child murderer. The T in the Ninth Gate logo is similar to the Jesuit logo.
The West Memphis Three are three men known for being convicted as teenagers in 1994, of the 1993 murders of three boys in West Memphis, Arkansas, United States. Damien Echols was sentenced to death, Jessie Misskelley, Jr. to life imprisonment plus two 20-year sentences, and Jason Baldwin to life imprisonment. During the trial, the prosecution asserted that the juveniles killed the children as part of a Satanic ritual.[1][2][3]
On August 19, 2011, they entered Alford pleas, which allowed them to assert their innocence while acknowledging that prosecutors have enough evidence to convict them. Judge David Laser accepted the pleas and sentenced the three to time served. They were released with 10-year suspended sentences, having served 18 years and 78 days in prison.[6]
West of Memphis, directed and written by Amy J. Berg, and produced by Peter Jackson, as well as by Echols himself, premiered at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival. Actor Johnny Depp, a longtime supporter of the West Memphis Three and personal friend of Damien Echols, was on hand to support the film in its premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2012.[77]
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This is the Jesuit's IHS logo with the sun. The Jesuits have been exposed for secretly referring to themselves as the Ninth Circle while sacrificing children in South America. The Ninth Circle refers to the Ninth Circle of Hell in Dante's Inferno which is the underworld ruled by Pluto or Hades.
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Arturo Sosa the Superior General of the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits are disgusting liars and cannibalistic child killers that spread their depravity into society through their infiltration of everything. The Aldobrandinis are the primary architects of Jesuitism.
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Jesuit General Arturo Sosa in the middle with Fratern Masawe on the left of Sosa the provincial for Eastern Africa and Vernon D'Cunha on the right of Sosa the provincial for India. On the far right is John Dardis the provincial for Ireland and on the far left is Douglas Marcouiller the provincial for North America.
Ignatius of Loyola (Basque: Ignazio Loiolakoa; Spanish: Ignacio de Loyola; Latin: Ignatius de Loyola; c. 23 October 1491[1] – 31 July 1556) was a Spanish Basque Catholic priest and theologian, who co-founded the religious order called the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and became its first Superior General at Paris in 1541.[2]
In 1509, at the age of 18, Íñigo took up arms for Antonio Manrique de Lara, 2nd Duke of Nájera.
He is the son of the Duke of Nájera and the Duchess of Veragua , the woman who holds the title once granted to the son of Christopher Columbus. Of noble birth on all four sides, Santiago Travesedo is a notary, lives in Seville and is the thirtieth count of Valencia de Don Juan, the third oldest title awarded in Spain.
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Former Jesuit General Adolfo Nicholas
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Johnny Depp is close friends with Marylin Manson who is a minister of the Church of Satan and follower of Aleister Crowley who promoted and described how to murder children in his book Magick in Theory and Practice in Chapter XII called the Bloody Sacrifice.
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Rick Cotton and his blatantly psychotic wife Elizabeth Smith who works in the government of New York City and she has also worked as a financier. Elizabeth Smith is a child murderer and cannibal. Rick Cotton runs the New York and New Jersey Port Authority is he is a child trafficker working with various organized crime groups including the Five Families and DeCavalcante crime family.
Rick Cotton is the executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. He assumed this role in 2017.[1] Cotton is also a Port Authority board member.[2]
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Joseph Sanzari with Vincent Curatola and Maureen Curatola. Vincent Curatola is an actor who played a mobster in the show Sopranos which is based on the DeCavalcante crime family. Joseph Sanzari is a high level mobster who owns a construction company involved with building secret underground networks and facilities used for human trafficking and human sacrifice. Joseph Sanzari also has a children's hospital named after him and has donated to a hospital in Haiti. They traffic human blood and flesh through hospitals.
Joseph M Sanzari, Inc. is a Highway and Heavy Construction Company based out of Hackensack, NJ. JMS specializes in site work, heavy highway, and bridgework, as well as provides demolition, installation, and maintenance services.
heavy highway, roads, bridges, water utilities, gas utilities, electric utilities, site work, demolition, maintenance, paving, General Construction, Athletic Fields/Tracks/Courts, Concrete, Sewer Piping, Storm Drainage
Jo Ann Sanzari, left, vice president; Joseph Sanzari Sr., CEO; and Joseph Sanzari Jr., general superintendent of constuction, on the site of Joseph M. Sanzari Inc's new headquarters in Hackensack.
Vincent Curatola (Italian: [kuˈraːtola]; born August 16, 1953) is an American actor and writer. Curatola's best-known role is that of the cold, calculating, chain smoking Johnny Sack from the HBO drama, The Sopranos.
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Paul Sarlo is a state senator for New Jersey and COO of a construction company as well as a covert agent of the DeCavalcante crime family.
Paul A. Sarlo (born August 31, 1968) is an American construction industry executive and Democratic Party politician, who has served in the New Jersey State Senate since 2003, where he represents the 36th Legislative District. Sarlo is a former Assistant Majority Leader of the Senate, a position held from 2004 until 2007, is currently a Deputy Majority Leader (since 2008), and is also mayor of the borough of Wood-Ridge, New Jersey.
Chief operating officer (Joseph M. Sanzari, Inc.); mayor; State Senator
See image 18
Simone Rizzo DeCavalcante Jr. is a top overseer of the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey and he operates from Florida. Florida is a major human trafficking center.
Simone R. DeCavalcante Jr.
Naples, FL
United States
The DeCavalcante crime family is an Italian-American organized crime family that operates in Elizabeth, New Jersey[1] and surrounding areas in the state and is part of the nationwide criminal network known as the American Mafia or Cosa Nostra. It operates on the opposite side of the Hudson River from the Five Families of New York, but it maintains strong relations with many of them, as well as with the Philadelphia crime family and the Patriarca crime family of New England. Its illicit activities include bookmaking, cement and construction violations, bootlegging, corruption, drug trafficking, extortion, fencing, fraud, hijacking, illegal gambling, loan-sharking, money laundering, murder, pier thefts, pornography, prostitution, racketeering, and waste management violations.
South Florida Faction
Philip "Lou Metzer" Abramo[36]
Simone Rizzo "Sam" DeCavalcante (March 3, 1912 – February 7, 1997), known as "Sam the Plumber", was a member of the New Jersey Mafia. Claiming descent from the Italian royal family, DeCavalcante was nicknamed "The Count".[1]
While officially "retired", many suspected that DeCavalcante was still involved with the crime family, providing advice to Riggi through his son Simone Junior.
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RZA lives in New Jersey and manages the Chicago based Almighty Vice Lord Nation or AVLN and Almighty Black P Stone Nation BPSN street gangs which have operations in New Jersey. The AVLN and BPSN are black street gangs and black supremacists. RZA takes his rap name from Simone RIZZO DeCavalcante. RZA and Wu-Tang constantly glorify the Italian Mafia in their lyrics and claim to be drug dealers, pimps, and criminals. They have a song called Wu-Gambinos. RZA is extremely depraved and evil and he claims to be Beelzebub the dung devil and claims to be the "King of Hell." RZA is a child molester, child murderer, and cannibal-sodomite. RZA is a major cannibal and claims to be vegan as a form of defense. A lot of cannibals claim to be vegans or vegetarians. RZA is working under the DeCavalcante crime family and the Apulian Mafia which have a large mafia in New Jersey. After originally exposing RZA and a human trafficking network in New Jersey I had cars stalking me on the road with RZA in the license plates and was receiving junk mail from people named Rizza. A few days after exposing that the Italian Mafia and Arab Mafia in New Jersey have infiltrated the New York and New Jersey Port Authority and have a human trafficking operation there I had some thugs parked in front of my house at 3:00AM.
Robert Fitzgerald Diggs (born July 5, 1969), better known by his stage name RZA (/ˈrɪzə/ RIZ-ə), is an American rapper, record producer, musician, actor, and director. He is the de facto leader of the Wu-Tang Clan.[1]
RZA was born in Brownsville, Brooklyn. He is named after Robert Kennedy and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, both of whom his mother greatly admired.[5] RZA has called his given name an "honorable" name, given the legacy of both Robert and John. RZA has a younger brother, Terrance Hamlin, better known as the rapper 9th Prince.
RZA is a Five Percenter and is usually seen wearing the 5% Nation's flag necklace around his neck.
RZA is a resident of Millstone Township, New Jersey.[52]
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RZA putting a knife up to ODB's throat. ODB or Ol Dirty Bastard died at RZA's recording studio in 2004. RZA sacrificed ODB.
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9th Prince is RZA's younger brother and he works with RZA in managing their organized crime operations. 9th like the 9th planet Pluto or the 9th realm of hell called Hades.
Image 22
Baron David Rene de Rothschild with his wife Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini de Rothschild the niece of Prince Camillo Aldobrandini. Prince Olimpia Aldobrandini tortures, murders, and cannibalizes children. She is one of the most evil witches.
Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, also a non-lineal descendant of Napoleon on her mother's side, married into the Rothschild family.[1]
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Alexandre de Rothschild is the Executive Chairman of Rothschild & Co. and his mother is Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini. The Aldobrandinis currently co-manage the Rothschild bank.
Alexandre de Rothschild
Executive Chairman
Alexandre de Rothschild joined the Rothschild & Co group in 2008 to focus primarily on the establishment of the Merchant Banking division.
Since 2011 Alexandre has been a member of the Group Executive Committee. He was appointed a General Partner of Rothschild & Cie Banque (the former name of Rothschild Martin Maurel) and Rothschild & Cie in Paris in 2013 and is also member of several boards within the Rothschild & Co group. In 2014, Alexandre joined the management board of Rothschild & Co Gestion, and he became its Executive Deputy Chairman in March 2017. Since 17 May 2018 he is the Executive Chairman of Rothschild & Co Gestion.
David Mayer de Rothschild shaking hands with Sylvester Stallone whose father was from Apulia. Prince Camillo's brother is the Duke of Brindisi. Brindisi is a town in Apulia and where the Apulian Mafia have a large operation. Sylvester Stallone is an associate of the Apulian Mafia and involved in trafficking children. Sylvester Stallone is a child molester and a ruthless psychopath.
Francesco "Frank" Stallone Sr. (September 12, 1919 – July 11, 2011)[1] was an Italian-American hairdresser, polo enthusiast, writer, and one-time actor.[2]
Stallone was the father of actor Sylvester Stallone[3] and actor/singer Frank Stallone.[4]
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He was born Francesco Stallone on September 12, 1919, in Gioia del Colle, Italy
Gioia del Colle (pronounced [ˈdʒɔːja del ˈkɔlle]; Barese: Sciò) is a town and comune of the Metropolitan City of Bari, Apulia, southern Italy. The town is located on the Murge plateau at 360 metres (1,180 ft) above sea level.
Guarino "Willie" Moretti, also known as Willie Moore (February 24, 1894 – October 4, 1951), was a notorious underboss of the Genovese crime family and a cousin of the family boss Frank Costello.
Born Guarino Moretti in Bari, Apulia, southern Italy, Moretti immigrated to the United States with his family to live in New Jersey.
From 1933 to 1951, Moretti, in association with Joe Adonis, Settimo Accardi and Abner Zwillman, ran lucrative gambling dens in New Jersey and upstate New York.
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Sylvester Stallone coming out of a meeting with Gambino boss John Gotti Jr. Sylvester Stallone is an Apulian mobster.
Sacra Corona Unita (pronounced [ˈsaːkra koˈroːna uˈniːta], Italian for "United Sacred Crown"; initialism SCU) is a Mafia-type criminal organization from the Apulia region in Southern Italy, and is especially active in the areas of Brindisi, Lecce and Taranto.
Originally preying on the region's substantial wine and olive oil industries, the group moved into cigarette smuggling, arms trafficking, drug trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering, extortion, and political corruption.[3]
The Sacra Corona Unita has the Apulian region as their main territory, however, their presence is also known in other parts of Italy, specially in Modena, Mantova and Reggio Emilia. Outisde Italy, the organization has a presence in Albania, Spain, Germany, United States and in the United Kingdom.[6]
Maria Antinori, Duchessa di Brindisi
Wife of Giuseppe, principe Aldobrandini
Mother of Clemente Aldobrandini, principe Aldobrandini and Ferdinando Aldobrandini, Duca di Brandisi
See image 26
Marchese Piero Antinori is the head of the Florentine House of Antinori and he owns a winery and works closely with the Aldobrandinis. Prince Clemente Aldobrandini's brother who is the current Duke of Brindisi resides at the Antinori palace in Tuscany and his name might be Prince Francesco Aldobrandini.
The Antinori are an ancient patrician family from Florence. Over time they also had the title of marquises, while a Neapolitan branch had the Duchy of Brindisi in the fifteenth century. To date it is the tenth oldest family business in the world.
Today, family interests are mainly focused on wine production, which has reached levels of excellence in the numerous agricultural estates in the Chianti Classico area and beyond, with red, white and vinsanti wines. A renowned restaurant called the Cantinetta Antinori is managed in the family Palazzo Antinori[1]
Palazzo Antinori of Brindisi.
via dei Serragli, 9
When the family branch died out, the palace inherited the Aldobrandini family, whose descendants still live in the historic residence.
Heading the Crime syndicate of the Black Nobility stands the House of Massimo.
Don Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio is the top owner of the Vatican and has high authority over the Sicilian Mafia and owns the Corleonisi Clan. They own a large fortress in Arsoli and another castle in Campania. The Massimo family use lions on their coat of arms like Corleone, Sicily uses a lion on its flag. The Massimo family frequently take the name Leone which means lion. Brancaccio is a neighbourhood in Sicily where Cosa Nostra originated and named after the Brancaccio family that later merged with the Massimo family.
The Massimo family are one of the oldest families of Rome and claim to be the ancient Fabii-Maximus dynasty. They likely have a portion of Maximus ancestry.
The Pope is titled the Pontifex Maximus.The communist Fabian Society uses the wolf in sheep’s clothing for its logo. Fabii like Fabian.
Prince Stefano Massimo married into the British Foxwell family and he is a fashion photographer with residences in London. Prince Stefano’s mother was the English actress Dawn Addams. The Massimo family of Roccasecca own the Clerkenwell Mafia of London also called the Adams crime family and part owners of various Irish Mafias. The district of Clerkenwell is known as London’s “Little Italy.” Rupert Murdoch who owns Fox News is a Vatican Knight of the Order of St Gregory. Fox was covertly named for Foxwell. The fox is considered a cunning animal. Fox News is a propaganda machine for the Vatican. Prince Valerio Massimo founded SCM Capital Partners and an aerospace company called Auctus Industries with his business associate Duke Edward Spencer-Churchill. The House of Massimo and other Italian Nobility have infiltrated the United Kingdom and work with the House of Windsor and some British Peers.
The House of Massimo is the nucleus of the Black Nobility. They are the primary owners of the Holy See.
Queen Maxima of the Netherlands claims Burgundian ancestry. I believe Baron August von Senarclens de Grancy who had an affair with Princess Wilhelmine of Baden was a relative of the Massimo family and this is why the House of Hesse created the name Battenberg for suspected Senaclens offspring which later married in with the royal families of Russia, Spain, Sweden, and England. Princess Marie of Battenberg’s son was named Count Maximilian and another suspected Senarclens was Princess Maximiliane Wilhelmine Auguste Sophie Marie of Hesse. Prince Carlo Massimo oversees the Sovereign Military Order of Malta as President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta. Full Story
The Medici’s were a force behind the Reformation and the Renaissance, each a strategy with the sole aim of undermining the Catholic tradition in order they could re-introduce, by the back door, a new version of the doctrines which would include the traditions of the Old Testament in place of the original Catholic traditions, in its extreme form would spawn the Puritan’s, despisers of fun and freedom demanding absolute obedience upon pain of death, to the Testament of Old, side-lining the doctrines of the New. This would be to open the door for what we suffer today, the doctrines of the Talmud, a horrendous doctrine of hubris which to those who follow its license to do everything forbidden by the great religions, supersedes both the Old and New Testaments as the covenant with God.
The first of the family to be a distinct figure in history was Salvestro dei Medici, who, in the year 1378, took an active part in the revolt of the Ciompi so-called because it was led by a wool-carder (ciompo), one Michele di Lando, and because the chief share in it was taken by the populace, who held the reins of government for some time, and sought to obtain extended political rights. But, although Michele di Lando was the nominal chief of the revolt, Salvestro dei Medici was its real leader. The latter, although a member of the greater guilds, had joined the lesser and sought to be at their head, in order to lay the foundation of his own power and that of his kindred by attacking the Albizzi, who were the leading men of the greater guilds.
Then, in the person of Giovanni, son of Bicci dei Medici (1360 1429), another branch of the family arose, and became from that time forward its representative branch. Indeed this Giovanni may be considered the actual founder of Medicean greatness. He took little part in political affairs, but realised an immense fortune by trade, establishing banks in Italy and abroad, which in his successors hands became the most efficient engines of political power. The council of Constance (1414 – 1118) enabled Giovanni de Medici to realise enormous profits. Like his ancestor Salvestro, he was a constant supporter of the lesser guilds in Florence to undermine the higher guilds.
In these two alone we can see the fact in the Medici we have a powerful trading family moving to remove the Christian laws on trade by usurpation of the powers that governed it, and they used their wealth to gain advantage through indebtedness of those they lavishly supported who would go on to positions of power in their own right. And let us not lose sight of the fact in the Medici the term guild, itself synonymous with the craft of Freemasonry, became their theatre of choice for imposing their power into the governments of the people. And from the information yet to come in this thesis relating to Freemasonry and Lucifer, and in the fact the Medici were the force behind the Renaissance, I would expect the existing representations of the Medici today to also be the force behind Freemasonry today, its symbolism, its doctrine, and indeed its art of speculation, after all if you are in at the start of the banking monopoly and you become a major power, you ain’t letting go ever.
When the historical timeline sees you disappear as if by magic there is reason it is so, you disappear when you hold the power and appoint delegates to exercise the power for you. Exactly as today’s UK monarchy acts which keeps them out of the sight of legal mob, they reign but do not rule,’ they delegate rule to their appointees, this keeps the crown and royalty out of political scandal because it is their appointees exercising authority.
Upon the death of Giovanni dei Medici in 1429 would leave two sons, Cosimo (1389-1464) and Lorenzo (1395-1440). From the former proceeded the branch that held absolute sway for many generations over the nominal republic of Florence, and gave to Italy popes like Leo X. and Clement VII. On the extinction of this elder line in the 16th century, the younger branch derived from Lorenzo, Cosimo’s brother, seemed to acquire new life, and for two centuries supplied grand-dukes to Tuscany. Cosimo, surnamed Cosimo the Elder, to distinguish him from the many others bearing the same name, and honoured after his death by the title of Pater patrioe, first succeeded in solving the strange problem of becoming absolute ruler of a republic that was keenly jealous of its liberty, without holding any fixed office, without suppressing any previous form of government, and always preserving the appearance and demeanour of a private citizen. This family is expert in deception.
This is the strategy employed to usurp democracies today through corporatism, also known as fascism. It is the representation of the feudal system re-birthed at Cluny in Burgundy around 909 AD and launched and bedded in England in the 1066 invasion. This was carried out by the Carolingian VI-kings (six kings) of the shadow, the mimic of Loki.
Cosimo born in 1389, he had already reached the age of forty at the time of his father’s death. He had a certain amount of literary culture, and throughout his life showed much taste and an earnest love both for letters and art. But his father had mainly trained him to commerce, for which he had a special liking and aptitude. In fact he was devoted to business to the day of his death, and like his forefathers derived pecuniary advantage from his friendly relations with the papal court. He accompanied Pope John XXIII to the council of Constance, transacted a vast amount of business in that city, and made very large gains. He then travelled in Germany, and after his return to Florence discharged several ambassadorial missions.
Cosimo used his position to manipulate war and realised a few good men positioned at power levels operating for him was better than owning the institutions that governed, this is again the modus operandi of the craft Freemasonry. Having accomplished influence direct into the Church he was also able to accomplish influence in England. Using his great wealth enabled him to supply money to foreign potentates. Philippe do Comines tells us that Cosimo frequently furnished Edward IV of England with sums amounting to many hundred thousand florins.This is a time when the Order of the Garter had been formed along with 300 Knights the importance of which in our time shows itself in the supranational cartel called the Committee of 300.
When Tommaso Parentucelli was still a cardinal, and in needy circumstances, Cosimo made him considerable loans without demanding guarantees of payment. On the cardinal’s accession to the tiara as Nicholas V. he was naturally very well disposed towards Cosimo, and employed the Medici bank in Rome in all the affairs of the curia, which brought immense profits to the house.
It would appear Cosimo is using the arts assigned to the Templars which they learned from the Persians during the time of the Crusades, supposedly exterminated in the 1307 purge, perhaps in the Medici we are seeing its re-emergence, supported in the claims of the Rosicrucian’s and today’s Masonry that they represent the force behind the Renaissance. Cosimo would open the doors to Usury and compound interest in direct contradiction to Canon Law.
From this the House Medici would bankroll the Vatican on behalf of the Masonic Templars. This role would switch to the `House Fugger‘ and then onto the House Rothschild.
We are certainly looking at the pied piper that is the serpent in these forces, come again to tempt the hearts of man, and as we witness the state of today there are many dancing to the tune out of the garden and into the hands of the fallen.
Seeking Lucifer through the secret orders that worship his kingdom to come.
The following are a collection of outpourings from the realm of the hidden, the occult world all around us moving the world to a new order. The externalisation of the Hierarchy is upon us.
There is abundant evidence that in many forms of modern thought-especially the so called prosperity psychology will power building and systems of high pressure salesmanship-black magic has merely passed through a metamorphosis, and although its name may be changed, its nature remains the same.
Manly p Hall, Masonic, Hermetic, and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, p.C1 C11
Yoga, a practice synonymous with Hindu philosophy means to yoke.
Its goal is to unite man with Brahman the Hindu concept of god {or rather the consciousness called the god state.}
Caryl Matriciana Gods of the New Age p. 18
In the circles of some respected researchers into the occult origins of rock n roll it is believed that John Lennon was murdered after an interview with a radio host in which he began to explain that he had realised how the Beatles had been used to programme the 1960s subculture based in the LSD experience, to introduce the eastern philosophies according to the Theosophical doctrines direct into the west to create the new age movement, from which will spawn the one world religion and sanctify the climate taxation policies of the Committee of 300. That this was the reason shortly after that interview he was gunned down and killed. The following supports this
The traditional purpose of the Indian ashram has always been to teach people how to die through Yoga meditation. It has only been since the 1960s that the Beatles-inspired young westerners had flooded the ashrams, sitting spellbound at the Gurus feet.
Caryl Matriciana Gods of the New Age p. 144
The New Age Movement needs to be understood as one of the fastest growing uprisings of the end time’s powerful delusion occurring in the world today.
In fact, it has expanded with explosive diversification in the last three decades to a much greater extent than many realize.
Today’s rapid growth of the New Age phenomenon is nothing less than a major branch of the latter day rise of the Anti-Christ forces. It is in this context that the most penetrating in sights into the greatest deceptions and dangers of the movement are seen.
Randall N. Baer, Inside the New Age Nightmare p.79.
French philosopher Dennis De Rougement whilst attending a Hitler rally was described to have affected him thus: De Rougement indicated that despite his rigorous attempt to remain detached from the spectacle unfolding before him, he was involuntarily drawn into the vortex of the crowd’s hysterical adulation of Adolf Hitler. It was only by dint of superhuman resolve, said the French philosopher that he was able to regain his equilibrium before the mesmerising presence of Hitler’s evil genius.
Jewish Exponent, Oct 3 1996, article: Unable to resist the Fuhrer.
It is also said of Dennis De Rougement that he stated: Some people believe, from having experienced in his presence a feeling of horror and an impression of supernatural power that he is the seat of, thrones, dominions, and powers by which Saint Paul meant those hierarchical spirits which can descend into any ordinary mortal and occupy him like a garrison. What I am saying would be the cheapest of romantic nonsense were it not that what has been established by this man or rather through him is a reality that is one of the wonders of this century.
French philosopher Dennis De Rougement
Illuminism is really the religion of a benevolent mythical Lucifer not Satan. It is disguised as political idealism, bent on eradicating religion and monarchies in general, and Christianity in particular, and gaining global control for a commonwealth of nations featuring universal democracy.
To the secret societies Lucifer is always depicted as a benevolent peace loving god with nothing but the best intentions for the human race.
Among Luciferian’s god is seen as evil, trying to keep knowledge away from man. The same scenario was repeated in the Garden of Eden when the snake explained to Adam and eve that god didn’t want them to have knowledge that would make them wise.
From the book by William T Still, New World Order p. 40
Lucifer the Son of the Morning is it he who bears the light? Doubt it not.
Albert Pike Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry p.321.
“For the initiates this [Satan] is not a person, but a force created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or free will.”
They represent this force, which presides over the physical generation under the mythologic and horned form of the god Pan, thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the ancient serpent, and the Light-bearer or phosphor, of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend.”
Albert Pike …… Morals and Dogma from the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry p.200.
“The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degree, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.
If Lucifer were not god, would Adonay (sic)whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy, and hatred of man, barbarianism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests culminate him?
Yes Lucifer is god, and unfortunately Adonay is also god. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods, darkness being necessary for light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the state.
Thus the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer and god, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.”
Albert Pike Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry p.217 Quoted again by William Shnoebelen in Masonry Behind the Light p.58-59
“When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his craft.
The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward he must prove his ability to properly apply his energy.”
Manly P Hall The Lost Keys of Freemasonry p.48
For Thou [Lucifer] hast said in thine heart,
I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God :
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,
In the sides of the north :
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will be like the most high
Isaiah 14:13-14
In so doing Lucifer moved to destroy monotheism to be replaced by many cults and orders thus introducing polytheism and many gods giving his cohorts a place in his court.
And no marvel: for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light [in the hearts of men].
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transformed as the ministers of righteousness:
Whose end shall be according to their works [so too those who follow the false doctrine]
2 Corinthians 11:14-15
Luciferianism in the Catholic Orders
For the Son of God became man so that we might become God
The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us shares in his divinity, assumed our nature,
So that he, made man, might make man gods.
Catechism of the Catholic Church p.116
Then I will be able to walk triumphantly. Like a God,
through the ruins of their kingdom.
Every word of mine is fire and action.
My beast is equal to that of the creator.
Karl Marx quoted in Marx and Satan by Rev Richard Wurmbrand p.13
The hellish vapours rise and fill the brain.
Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed.
See this sword
The prince of Darkness Sold it too me.
For me he beats the time and gives the signs.
Ever more boldly I play the dance of death.
Karl Marx quoted in Marx and Satan by Rev Richard Wurmbrand p.15
Thus heaven Ive forfeited.
I know it full well.
My Soul, once true to God.
Is chosen for hell.
Karl Marx quoted in Marx and Satan by Rev Richard Wurmbrand p.22
The Black Nobility or Black Aristocracy (Italian: “nobiltà nera” or “aristocrazia nera”) are Roman aristocratic families who sided with the Papacy under Pope Pius IX after the Savoy family-led army of the Kingdom of Italy entered Rome on September 20, 1870, overthrew the Pope and the Papal States, and took over the Quirinal Palace, and any nobles subsequently ennobled by the Pope prior to the 1929 Lateran Treaty. For the next 59 years, the Pope confined himself to Vatican City and claimed to be a prisoner in the Vatican to avoid the appearance of accepting the authority of the new Italian government and state. Aristocrats who had been ennobled by the Pope and were formerly subjects of the Papal states, including the senior members of the Papal Court, kept the doors of their palaces in Rome closed to mourn the Pope’s confinement, which led to they’re being called the “Black Nobility”.
Despite the relatively recent name, the Black Nobility had existed for centuries, originating in the Baronial class of Rome and in the powerful families who moved to Rome to benefit from a family connection to the Vatican. These supported the Popes in the governance of the Papal States and in the administration of the Holy See. Many of the members of Black Noble families also became high-ranking clergy and even Popes. Black Nobility families (in this instance families whose ancestors included Popes) still in existence include notably the Colonna, Massimo, Orsini, Pallavicini, Borghese, Odescalchi, and Ludovisi. Schiaratura familly. Major extinct papal families include the Savelli, Caetani, the Aldobrandini family and Conti. Famous members of Black Nobility families include Eugenio Pacelli, who later became Pope Pius XII, Ernesto Pacelli, an important financier and Prospero Colonna, mayor of Rome.
Colonna, Orsini, Sacchetti, Massimo, Patrizi Naro Montoro, Serlupi Crescenzi), i Gaetani, Ruspoli, Radini Tedeschi, Borghese, Chigi, Gabrielli, Guglielmi, Lancellotti, Aldobrandini, Pallavicini, Odescalchi, Altieri, le Guardie Nobili (come gli Acqua), i Camerieri Segreti, i Parafrenieri Pontifici, i Sediari Pontifici e le altre che nel corso dei secoli avevano ricevuto dal romano Pontefice titoli o altri privilegi, come i Torlonia, Theodoli ( di baldacchino), Soderini (conti di baldacchino), Mazzetti di Pietralata, Del Gallo di Roccagiovine, Senni, Ricci Parracciani, Lepri, Rocchi, Bufalari, Datti, Pietromarchi, Pacelli, Tuccimei, Cantuti di Castelvetri
Boncompagni Ludovisi, Ottoboni, Caetani, Cesarini Sforza, Doria Pamphilj, Ruspoli, Sciarra, Schiaratura, Lovatelli, rami degli Odescalchi e dei Pallavicini.
The cult of Hades was not so much as a cult as much as it was an initiation process in order to develop a further understanding of life after death. Hades, the god of the underworld and death, was not so much feared as much as he was respected according to ancient Greek mythology. Because death plays such a large role in life, the cult of Hades was one of the largest cults of the ancient world. Mythological and historical characters described in ancient Greek texts all visited the cult of Hades for spiritual development.
Socrates was one of these historical characters described to have visited the cult of Hades at some point. The initiations of the cult of Hades were common and open to anybody who sought further understanding of the teaching taught within the temple. According to the ancient Greeks, upon death the spirit would depart from the body and come to the river Styx. Here, if the proper burial rights were given to the departed, they would pay the boat man (ferryman) in order to cross into the place where spirits rested between lives on Earth. Those who died a glorious death or were referred to as a Hero upon death would come to rest in the Elysian fields also known as the Isles of the Blessed.
In Eleusis, Greece is where the ancient cult of Hades is believed to have existed. It is at this location that there still exists a cave that was once believed to be the doorway or a portal to where the dead would go the rest. It is also described that Plato too came to this location in order to worship and pay homage to the God of the Dead. During worship initiatives would often undergo psychedelic trips known as the ‘Kykeon’ to establish a spiritual connection with energies beyond the physical realm. It is also said that initiatives would pound the ground with their fists so that Hades could hear their prayers.
Hades is also considered to be the richest of all the Olympian deities because riches such as jewels, diamonds, and gold come from beneath the ground where Hades is believed to dwell. He is also believed to be one of the most monogamous Gods because he never leaves his domain and has stayed loyal to his wife Persephone, the Goddess of the underworld, after her abduction. Commonly depicted as being feared Hades was rather respected as death was inevitable and as routine to life as birth.
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