DSNews | Mike Gill Recap w/ Beavis (Nino) and Butthead (Waynito) flare | Skriptkeeper is hotter than Paprika because you know that’s a spice | Actionable steps to open Pandora’s Box by Patrick Mockridge
Transhumanism | "Ultimately, We Can Achieve a Sort of Symbiosis With Artificial Intelligence." - Elon Musk (7/1719) + "We Could Download the Things We Believe Make Ourselves Unique. If You're Not In a Body Anymore..." - Musk
Meet My Dad, Thom Clark. (I'm the blonde-haired kid, he is the man eating that hamburger) | My Father Died On Sept. 5, 2016 At His Home After His Courageous Battle with ALS.
You can't make this shit up. World leaders at G20 take the group photo without Biden, then walk off: "Where's Biden?.. Oh, my God... Do you see him, Joe?.. Far left, left... To the left of the palm tree. Oh, my God..."
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Cannot Start With the Assumption That Humans Have Free Will." + "It Was Never True Humans Had Free Will." + "The Myth of Free Will. This Is a Myth That Served Us Well. But Now It's Becoming Dangerous.
Elon Musk | "You Must Understand There Is Not a Whole Lot of Human Beings Like You? If There Was One An Intelligence Being That We Created. Like Some AI Creature." - Joe Rogan + "I Am An Alien. It's True." - Elon Musk 9/7/2018