Reunited with My Love / The End | Graveyard Keeper #73

1 month ago

Welcome back to Graveyard Keeper! It has been a fun ride borthers and sisters but like all good things, this must come to an end. I give Teodoro and the refugees good news, that the attack on their camp had been dismantled. They rejoice and are happy to start a new life there, although Teodoro says that they will one day take their place back in the town... yikes, talk about holding grudges. We see Master Alaric off as he ventures out to try and find an answer for the ancient curse and he fills us in on why Teodoro is so vengeful and so displeased with Alaric himself. And with that all said and down, we hunt down a few more achievements together then I take the six items to the portal and open it to be reunited with my love. All things wrapped up in a tiny, neat bow... I wish I could say as the DLC ending leaves more questions than answers!

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Thanks for watching, KirbyJuan.

Hey you, yea you with the eyes and reading these words, what're ya doing down here?

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