3 years agoTHERE IS NO END TO THIS POLICE OFFICER TALENT #WorldWideDemo #metpolice 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😅😅Buskainthepark
3 years agoGet out of the police force its not a good job glass bottle hit the ground #worldwidefreedomrallyBuskainthepark
1 year agoSadiq Khan Demands London Underground suburbanites are protected yet additional cops have been convefun and funny
3 years agoUK: Police and protesters scuffle at Kill the Bill protest in London - 08.12.2021demonstration
3 years agoDeluded idiot blame all whites because putin's finger is on the button #speakerscornerBuskainthepark