(2020) DARPA-ITU PANACEA: Remotely controlling cells wirelessly with Your mobile phone, Implantable bioelectronic devices Including engineered Ecoli/Bacteria fluorescent bionanosensors
R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #158 -- Tuesday, December 24th, 2024). Topic: "Establishing the Dr. Vladimir Zelenko School of Medicine in The New Jerusalem, ERETZ YISRAEL". Speaker: MRS. Laurie Cardoza-Moore (USA)
666 | Why Is the Logo of CERN, the World Economic Forum & Google 666? Why Is the Word Corona = 666? Why Is the Euphrates Drying Up? What Is HR 666 & HR 6666? Why Does Microsoft Patent WO-2020-06060 Exist?
GLOBAL Universities Currently Working On And Teaching Their PHD Students About IoBnT/nanonetworks/MC Communication Biodigital Convergence For Industry 4.0.-6G "And Beyond" In The Fourth Industrial Revolution &5IR