1 year ago1977 - Cathy O’Brien Testifies Against Clinton’s on Rape and Cocaine/Child Sex Trafficking.VeteransAgainstTreason
2 years agoMind Control, Human Slavery. The Cathy O'Brien story: Clinton used her to fulfill her perversions.chinlee
11 months agoIn 1997, Cathy O’Brien testified to the 95th U.S. Congress to accuse Hillary Clinton of rape.The New World Order
1 year agoCathy O’Brien testified to the 95th U.S. Congress to accuse Hillary Clinton of rape.TeoAnon17
1 year agoOn August 3, 1977, Cathy O’Brien testified to the 95th U.S. Congress to accuse Hillary Clinton ofmasummers
1 year ago5DGramma WITH CATHY O'BRIENGOD [5D+1] Decent-Divergent-Dauntless-Dynamic-Discerner+Dominion {FE}
2 years agoMass Mind Control - David Icke & MK Ultra Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien On The Mel K ShowTheonly1jeremy
1 year agoAA_192_Cathy_O’Brien_MKUltra_Mind_Control_and_Child_TraffickingJohn Age: The Official Anomic Age Channel
1 year agoCathy O'Brien MUST WATCHGOD [5D+1] Decent-Divergent-Dauntless-Dynamic-Discerner+Dominion {FE}
1 year agoCathy O’Brien Speaks Out On MK Ultra: Mind Control Survivor Makes SHOCKING Claims About ClintonsYHVHHAVEMERCY
3 years agoCathy O'Brien, MK-Ultra victim, says Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau is a "professed Jesuit"Little Pine Weasel
11 months agoIn 1997, Cathy O’Brien testified to the 95th U.S. Congress to accuse Hillary Clinton of rape.Politics of the NWO
1 year agoCathy O'brien – “I Heard George Bush Talk About Mass Genocide at the U.N.Derground at Bohemian Grove"Waking the World up