PTSD: Time to Heal Cathy O’Brien Dr. Sharnael Craig Walker

2 years ago

Guest Cathy O'Brien joins Dr. Sharnael and co-host Craig Walker.

As a child, Cathy O'Brien was raised in an abusive family and was used in covert government programs as a drug trafficker and sex slave. Mark Phillips, who used to work for various government agencies, including the CIA as a mind control programmer, helped to free Cathy and her daughter Kelly from their abusers. After fleeing to Alaska, they began the long process of deprogramming while Mark learned more about the abuse she and her daughter had endured for years. This is a story of the power of trauma and sexual abuse to control the human mind; re-coding PTSD; and a reminder that Re-Membering your divinity is, indeed, possible.

Ms. O’Brien is the author of PTSD: Time to Heal, Trance Formation of America, and Access Denied For Reasons of National Security: Documented Journey from CIA Mind Control Slave to U.S. Government Whistleblower. In 2022, her story was made into the movie TRANCE.
Her link :

Craig Walker is a musician, truther, and researcher of the esoteric. He plays drums for Nth Ascension and can be found at (Facebook: Nth Ascension Music). He also runs an online crystals shop with his wife Emma, which can be found at His YouTube channel is

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon is a naturopathic doctor, quantum scientist, linguist, and theologian, integrating these disparate wisdoms into one language of miracles. Her scientific approach has helped countless people Re-member TRUTH, Love, and purpose, transmute what does not serve them, and re-code their lives. Her extensive work can be explored at and

Tune in Thursday February 9th at 12:00 noon CST

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