1 month ago"Get Rid Of ALL Cereal!" - Carnivore MD Paul Saladino DESTROYS The Lies Of Sugary Breakfast MealsPatrick Bet-David
1 month agoHydration myth debunked with Dr Adiel Tel Oren MD, Dr. Zach Bush MD & Dr. Paul Saladino MDHot_Topic
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2 years agoDR PAUL SALADINO 3 | MOLD drives…histamine intolerance MCAS; SIBO; candidaDoctors To Trust
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1 month ago"Stop Eating This CRAP!" – Paul Saladino DEMOLISHES Modern Diets, Processed Foods & Big Food LiesAsher Press
3 years agoPAUL SALADINO 1 | Vitamin K1 DOES NOT EASILY CONVERT INTO CRITICAL K2…so, eat animal foods!!Doctors To Trust
1 year agoPAUL SALADINO a | Costco meat: Aus & NZ lamb: grass fed and finished; ground bisonDoctors To Trust
21 days ago"Stop Eating This CRAP!" – Paul Saladino DEMOLISHES Modern Diets, Processed Foods & Big Food LiesNews & Information you can use from around the World!Verified