10 months ago🌎 Dr. David Martin Exposes the Origins of the WHO and the Dangers of the New Pandemic Treaty - WHO Now Wants Power Over US CitizensReal Truth Real NewsVerified
7 months ago🇨🇦 Dr. Stephen Malthouse Reveals How Canada's Healthcare, Land Ownership and Freedoms are Being Crushed One Bill At A TimeReal Truth Real NewsVerified
3 years agoDr. Robert Malone shares how he has been fully red-pilled and what is really going onlaltuna
1 year agoJustin Faull Aliens are Demons and Fallen Angels from the bible - The Great last DeceptionTRUMP LIBRARY
1 year agoThis Clip explains how and who the people who are truly in power have always stayed hidden im referring to the 13 secret ancient family'sTRUMP LIBRARY
1 year agoFritz Springmeier - Occult Numerology Symbols of The DeepState - more documeneries belowTRUMP LIBRARY
1 year agoTIM ALBERINO on the Bible , JESUS , aliens , Fallen Angels , Nephilim and the end timesTRUMP LIBRARY
1 year agoYuri Bezmenov pyscolgical warfare Interview - A warning for everyone - Lots of links belowTRUMP LIBRARY
1 year agoAbsolute Interference the stealing of the 2020 election - More Documenters Links belowTRUMP LIBRARY
1 year agoThe Plan the military grade sting operation - AkA the plan Links below hopefully this comes to passTRUMP LIBRARY