Yuri Bezmenov pyscolgical warfare Interview - A warning for everyone - Lots of links below

1 year ago

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LJP 9265
LJP 9265
This was over 70 years ago on how they plan to bring down the America and then the world- Sound Familiar the deep states plan is old very old - https://rumble.com/v2y20cg-this-was-over-70-years-ago-sound-familiar-the-deep-states-plan-is-old-very-.html

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Rosa Koire - Agenda 21 - https://rumble.com/vxv3xd-rosa.html

Deborah Tavares Agenda 21 - https://rumble.com/v13fyhm-debra-open-hall-discussion-on-current-events.html

David icke - agenda 21 the plan to kill YOU - https://rumble.com/v19ot9n-david-college-discussion-open-forum-seminar.html

G. EDWARD GRIFFIN ON AGENDA 21 - https://rumble.com/vmc8jz-g.-edward-griffin-on-agenda-21.html

The truth about the California Fires Documentary - https://rumble.com/vm74un-the-truth-about-the-california-fires-documentary.html

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SUN TZU The ART OF W@R PART 2 OF 2 HISTORY DOCUMENTARY - https://rumble.com/vvzwb7-sun-tzu-the-art-of-wr-part-2-of-2-history-documentary.html

The DEEP State and the 13 BlOOdline Families - https://rumble.com/vx13zb-the-d33p-state-and-the-13-bl00dline-families.html

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