Dr David Martin: Humanity, 12 senses, A beautiful, vulnerable & empowering conversation 5/24/24 TruthStream #262 (links below, look below ad on phone and tablet)
Healing Time with Lisa, Barrie, Honey, Michelle & Bruce: 11/1 A beautiful conversation, intel on new education system, on the brink of a new world and more! #317 link to healing event! https://www.balancingbodyandsoul.com/?ref=TRUTHSTREAMSHOW
Godfather of AI’ Predicts Humans Will Become Extinct by 2030/Sweden Starts to Search for Extra Cemetery Space in Case of War/Elon Musk: ‘F**k Yourself in the Face’ if You Want to End H-1B Visas/Canadian Parliamentary Committee Will Convene Early Jan
Dave "Guru" Graham and Natalie Cutler Welsh representing Australia and New Zealand! TruthStream #267 links below! Dave premiers his beautiful song to his daughter "Heaven Had Some Wings"
“Everything in the World Is Going to Change on January 20th”: Stephen Miller /BREAKING: United Healthcare CEO Fatally Shot in Chest Outside Hotel in Midtown Manhattan /Today, a No-Confidence Vote Will Topple the French Government for the First Time Si