Dave "Guru" Graham and Natalie Cutler Welsh representing Australia and New Zealand! TruthStream #267 links below! Dave premiers his beautiful song to his daughter "Heaven Had Some Wings"

Streamed on:

TruthStream https://linktr.ee/truthstream
Natalie https://upyourbrave.com/
Dave's website https://www.stoptherotsackthelot.org/
X https://twitter.com/StoptheRot7

Natalie Cutler-Welsh is a Canadian-Kiwi Super Connector & Coach for Visibility, Vitality & Expansive Impact. She is a mum of 3 teens and a 3/5 Generator in Human design.

She is Founder of UpYourBrave.com where she facilitates the Empowered Connections Networking Club and Collaborations Club for Business Owners, Coaches, Healers and Leaders to “Voice their Impact”.

Natalie is in her happy place when sharing others ‘wisdom with the world’ which she does weekly as host of the Up Your Brave show on Podcast-style radio show Reality Check Radio where she focusses on inspiration, motivation, holistic health, spirituality & more!

Having recorded over 500 interviews as a host & guest, co-authored 3 books and run live and online events for thousands of women, Natalie is known for her high vibe energy, enthusiasm and her action-orientated make-things-happen approach. Her knowledge of visibility & business, essential oils and human design and her obsession with "helping the people who help the people" will collectively empower you to Up your Brave, show up as the True you, Voice your Impact & do what you were born for!

Instagram: @upyourbrave_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UpYourBrave
Website: https://upyourbrave.com/
Up Your Brave Radio show & replays: https://realitycheck.radio/replays/up-your-brave-show-replays

Stoptherotsackthelot.org is driven by a bunch of ordinary, self-funded Aussies, united by their passion to spread awareness about the ongoing Government overreach and disintegration of Australians' fundamental rights and freedoms, into a totalitarian communist state, as is being observed around the world – which is not in the interest of the people of Australia! Now, with an International audience, we remain committed to delivering peaceful, lawful exposure of truth and awareness with the utmost respect for transparent and authentic broadcasting of our legitimate concerns about the Federal, State, Territory and Local Governments actions.
Mini Documentary https://rumble.com/v4svjlu-truthstream-256-mini-documentary-vril-donald-marshall-sg-anon-truthstream-5.html

Dr David Martin interview https://rumble.com/v4wo1r6-dr-david-martin-humanity-12-senses-live-52424-6pm-pt-9pm-et.-truthstream-26.html

MasterPeace detox product https://bit.ly/tsmasterpeace

Cardio Miracle https://cardiomiracle.com/?ref=STREAM
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Website https://joerosaticollective.com
Music https://joerosati.bandcamp.com/
Youtube / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKn-ES9kzN24BscyJO7yM4A
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/25AOrIm3AE2xuigtkUMXGm?si=4a37fa4cac45404b

Film and Music projects
A Perfect Life film https://youtu.be/w-JNpTqbejU
Lifting Veils https://rumble.com/v2xnuna-joe-rosati-lifting-veils-in-432hz-official-music-video-a-song-for-healing-a.html
Freedom Now music video https://rumble.com/v27eso2-freedom-now.html
Landing page for streaming Joe's music https://orcd.co/eodnn40

Products we endorse and are affiliated with

Wav Watch
https://rumble.com/v2zhxbg-wavwatch.com-with-linda-balmer-olsen-save-100-discount-code.html https://www.wavwatch.com/ Discount Code Truthstream100

Cardio Miracle https://cardiomiracle.com/?ref=STREAM

Methylene Blue, hemp oil, Non GMO food https://www.quantumcollective.world the Promo code is truth

Short video Blood Clot dissolver https://rumble.com/v2kxcrk-quick-update-heather-holmes-breakthrough-blood-clot-dissolver-blood-health-.html

Quantum Health and P2 Probiotics

Purium info: for incredible nutrition etc go to www.ishoppurium.com and type in truthstream for discount code.
interview with Ian https://rumble.com/v2bywnu-ian-farrar-health-and-wellness-expert-remove-glyphosate-elevate-your-health.html

Glutathione product
Neumi https://neumi.com/truthstream
Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant that impacts nearly every function in your body. It detoxifies your body's cells and it also recycles itself to increase the effectiveness of other antioxidants (Vitamins C, D, etc).

Holy Hydrogen Discount code https://holyhydrogen.com/TRUTHSTREAM

For Detox and cleansing metals from your body

Master Peace https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=13402

To order products from Ascent Nutrition https://goascentnutrition.com?sca_ref=3885455.PWktQKtqxK
Humic and Fulvic Acid: https://goascentnutrition.co/3PRyKms

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