1. Deconstructing Atheism, And It Is VERY Easy | SOS IS LIVE! | Ep 9

    Deconstructing Atheism, And It Is VERY Easy | SOS IS LIVE! | Ep 9

  2. Gospel of the Holy 12 - Conquering is Good? - Cremation vs. Burial

    Gospel of the Holy 12 - Conquering is Good? - Cremation vs. Burial

  3. The Devil's Delusion: Atheism And Its Scientific Pretensions (6-15-18)

    The Devil's Delusion: Atheism And Its Scientific Pretensions (6-15-18)

  4. 2024-08-28 Differences in Denominations - Should Christians Support Reparations - Christians & Debt

    2024-08-28 Differences in Denominations - Should Christians Support Reparations - Christians & Debt

  5. This Dude's Crazy Journey from Atheism to Catholicism While Working at the NBA

    This Dude's Crazy Journey from Atheism to Catholicism While Working at the NBA

  6. Space Stuff - Age of the Earth - With Gentleness and Respect!!!

    Space Stuff - Age of the Earth - With Gentleness and Respect!!!

  7. 4 Views of Communion - I'm Inconsistent? - World Politics Catch-up

    4 Views of Communion - I'm Inconsistent? - World Politics Catch-up

  8. Fighting with Hebrew Izzys - Did Paul Fall off his Horse - How to Know What Sin Is

    Fighting with Hebrew Izzys - Did Paul Fall off his Horse - How to Know What Sin Is

  9. Steph's Duck Farm - Eve Sinned First, But the Fall was through Adam - Woman or Kraken?

    Steph's Duck Farm - Eve Sinned First, But the Fall was through Adam - Woman or Kraken?

  10. Presidential Day Debate - John 8-10 Exhaustive Study - Good Q&A

    Presidential Day Debate - John 8-10 Exhaustive Study - Good Q&A

  11. Understanding Suffering: From Ben Shapiro to Jocko Wilnick's Philosophy

    Understanding Suffering: From Ben Shapiro to Jocko Wilnick's Philosophy

  12. 2024-12-04 Support AAC! - Deut. 18:18 Predicts Mohammed? - Why is Blood Required for Forgiveness?

    2024-12-04 Support AAC! - Deut. 18:18 Predicts Mohammed? - Why is Blood Required for Forgiveness?

  13. 2024-07-05 Trinity (Equal but not?) - Rich Young Ruler - The Gospel is Simple

    2024-07-05 Trinity (Equal but not?) - Rich Young Ruler - The Gospel is Simple

  14. 2024-09-05 Thoughts on Papacy - The Actual Gospel - Moral Failings of People and Pastors

    2024-09-05 Thoughts on Papacy - The Actual Gospel - Moral Failings of People and Pastors

  15. 2024-09-02 Justified by Works - The Oldest church - Apocrypha and Gnostic Gospels

    2024-09-02 Justified by Works - The Oldest church - Apocrypha and Gnostic Gospels

  16. 2024-11-11Trump's Already Oppressing Women! - Iraq Lowers Age of Consent to 9! - Psyops

    2024-11-11Trump's Already Oppressing Women! - Iraq Lowers Age of Consent to 9! - Psyops
