2024-12-04 Support AAC! - Deut. 18:18 Predicts Mohammed? - Why is Blood Required for Forgiveness?

3 months ago

2024-12-04 Support AAC! - Deuteronomy 18:18 Predicts Mohammed? - Why is Blood Required for Forgiveness?

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AskAChristian, ReligiousDiscussion, ChristianApologetics, Christianity, Bible, Jesus, Clubhouse, atheism, agnostic, religion, spirituality, spiritual, God, Deism, Pagan, church, Apologetics, Podcast, iTunes, Spotify, AAC, NateCunningham, Deist, Deism, Faith,

*DISCLAIMER* All descriptions are generated by AI, and are not always super accurate, although usually entertaining…

In the latest episode of the Ask a Christian podcast with host Nate, we kick things off by humbly asking for your contributions and donations to help support the podcast, whether it's through purchasing something from the Ask a Christian store or buying Nate’s book. We strive to present biblically sound answers to your questions, with a team of knowledgeable Christians who are committed to sharing the message of Christ in the most accurate way possible. As we ask for your help to fund the podcast, we also dive into some thought-provoking topics.

First, we tackle Deuteronomy 18:18 and explore whether it’s referring to the prophet Muhammad. Then, we discuss the rise of egalitarianism in the church and the impact of feminism, exploring how it’s creating problems in Christian communities. Next, we dive into a deeper theological question: Why is blood required for forgiveness? and discuss the connection between Jesus and Yahweh. To top it off, we engage in a conversation with a self-proclaimed teacher who seems to have no idea what he’s talking about when it comes to Christianity, offering some entertaining moments along the way.

Join us for these discussions and more! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to the podcast, and make sure to check out the Ask a Christian book available on Amazon.

#AskAChristian #Donate #BiblicalTruth #Deuteronomy18 #EgalitarianismInChurch #Forgiveness #JesusIsYahweh #ChristianPodcast #FeminismInTheChurch #AskAChristianStore #PodcastSupport

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