Yuval Noah Harari | "A Constitution Can Never Interpret Itself. You Need a Supreme Court to Interpret the Constitution, Or It At Least This Was How It Was Until A.I. Can Also Potentially Interpret Stories & Texts By Itself." - 6/20/23
Elon Musk | "I Have Trouble Believing These Religious Stories. The Operating System That I Have Is Sort of a Physics Engineering Operating System. " + Can Science & Religion Co-Exist? "Probably Not." - Elon Musk
Yuval Noah Harari | "From the Stories Preserved In the New Testament, Jesus Never Claimed to Be God. He Did Not Think He Was Yahweh. The Person Who Created Christianity Is Paul. Ten Commandments Endorse Slavery.” - 9/1/24
Elon Musk | "I Am Culturally Christian. I Have Trouble Believing These Religious Stories. I Respect People That Want to Have Religious Views. The Operating System I Have Is a Physics Engineering Operating System." - 10/7/2024
FTX | The FTX Overnight Success Story & FTX's Connection to The Democrat Party Funding, Mind the Gap, Guarding Against Pandemics & the World Economic Forum