Travelers Rest in Nashville

4 days ago

In 2024 we visited the Historic Travelers Rest in Nashville, TN. To hear the stories about it’s history and who all stayed there, as well as those that lived there was very interesting. I was never much of a history person while in school. But I always loved the field trips and as an adult, I still do. Learning and seeing parts of America’s history is interesting. Seeing it in person, you can see how they lived, a definite change to how we live today. No TV’s or electronic to keep you occupied for one. I especially like seeing the gardens and seeing what’s growing there. Many of the herbs, vegetables and fruit trees we still grow and eat today. Some maybe rare and should be planted more often. Some of the trees here at the Travelers Rest have been there for a long time. Just imagine what they’ve seen. That’s my husband in the shorts and beachy tank top. My husband probably prefers the beach over walking through and seeing historical sites, but he’s so supportive and goes with me. I love the beach too.

Have either of you been to the Travelers Rest?

What are some favorite beaches that you’ve been too?
#travelersrest #tennessee #tennesseehistoricalsites #tennesseevacation #tennesseehistory #tennesseenashville
#beach #beachvacations

For those interested in scheduling a tour of the Travelers Rest

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