COVID Shots | What Can You Do If You've Already Taken the COVID Shots? Is That Calamari Or a COVID Shot Clot? What Is the Internet of Bodies? "Ideally COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari + Homoborgenesis?
Artificial Wombs | "A Future Hitler Might Reengineer Our Bodies So That He Could Leave Permanent Marks On Future Generations. We Will See the Development of Artificial Wombs." - Yuval Noah Harari (5/17/23) + Dan 2:43
#151 Jaw dropping info: the Beatles, Tavistock Institute, Aleister Crowley w/Mike Williams (Sage of Quay): The Music Industry, Who wrote the songs? Who played drums?
BRICS | Is BRICS On the Verge of Destroying the U.S. Dollar with the 5R Currency System (Rand, Ruble, Rupee, Renminbi, & Rand)? The Connection Between w/ BRICS, the Great Reset, CBDCs and the Internet of Bodies?
🔥🔥Who Are Calley & Casey Means And Why Won’t They Talk About Vaccines? The MAHA Newcomers Are Focusing On Fruit Loops & Processed Food While Minimizing The Impact Of Toxic Jabs. That Needs To Change.🔥🔥