2 years ago"The SERPENT was more SUBTLE than any beast of the field.." ADAM and EVE and the garden of EDEN (animated).BibleForBuddies
1 month agoAdam and Eve never ate from the Tree of Life according to Tim Mackie! (Fan-Edit)Bible and a bicycle.
6 months agoDangers of Pride: How the Serpent Uses Pride to Destroy Men & Women A Lesson from the Garden of EdenAwakening Righteousness
1 year agoTOP 3 MYSTERIES SOLVED! ATLANTIS, BIBLE - ANUNNAKI, ADAM and EVE with EVIDENCE.Aliens, Spirits, Bigfoot, Black Ops, Crop Circles and much more!
1 year agoTHE PYRAMID CODE (Part 2) is here!!! | Adam & Eve, The Garden of Eden, The Zodiac, and so much more!Jason Shurka