Top 10 Choses Importantes à Savoir sur Adam et Ève

1 month ago

Explore the captivating story of Adam and Eve, the first humans created by God, and delve into its profound significance in the Book of Genesis. This video breaks down the ten key points from Genesis chapters 1-3, shedding light on humanity's origins, the divine spark of consciousness, and the unique bond between man and woman. Discover the beauty and abundance of the Garden of Eden, the pivotal moment of disobedience, and the ensuing consequences that shaped human destiny. Join us for an insightful journey into this foundational biblical narrative. Remember to like and share if you find the content engaging!

#AdamAndEve #BookOfGenesis #BibleStories #HumanOrigins #GardenOfEden #BiblicalNarrative #ReligiousEducation #FaithJourney


00:00:00 Le Commencement
00:00:18 Formé de la Poussière
00:02:29 Os de mes Os
00:04:07 Le Jardin d'Éden
00:04:48 Le Murmure du Serpent
00:06:06 La Chute
00:06:39 Le Châtiment
00:07:07 L'Expulsion
00:07:39 L'Aube de l'Humanité
00:08:14 Leçons Éternelles
00:08:47 Un Héritage Durable

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