2 years agoUFO Sighting 🛸 A group of people capture luminous objects changes in direction #UAP (United States)whitegoldeagle
2 years agoUFO Sighting 🛸Two Strangers filmed light spheres in Kazanlak, Bulgaria 🛸 Sphere Alliancewhitegoldeagle
2 years agoUFO Sighting 🛸 Small Craft Hovering at Sunset 🛸 Brazil 🛸 DISCLOSURE 👽 First Contact 👽whitegoldeagle
1 year agoMERCURY RETROGRADE Part 2 * SHADOW Work * DARK ET Interference * ANCESTRAL KARMAAlohaPinkBella888
2 years agoPurple UFO Sighting 🛸 Strange Lights in the Sky 🛸 First Contact 👽 Disclosure 👽 St Elmos Firewhitegoldeagle
1 year agoUFO SIGHTING 🛸 Black Triangle (Possible Tr-3b) UFO over Halifax, West Yorkshire March 2023 🛸whitegoldeagle
1 year agoYour Mission of Becoming Human/ET Ambassadors ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, by Daniel Scrantonyounglightworker22
1 year agoA Glowing UFO appears over Russia 🛸The UFO then created a square warp entrance and disappeared! 🛸whitegoldeagle
1 year agoUFO Sighting 🛸 UAP 🛸 China ~ A person captures an unusual Luminous Object changes directionwhitegoldeagle
8 months agoMultiple Suns * SATURN Death Star * Mars & Moon Bases * NIBIRU * Galactic ReadingsAlohaPinkBella888
2 years agoUFO Sighting in Pretoria, South Africa 🛸 Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon 🛸 Disclosure 👽whitegoldeagle
2 years agoFireball objects in the sky ☄️ over Boca Raton, Florida in the United States 🛸 UAP UFO Sighting 🛸whitegoldeagle
1 year agoUFO's radio transmission: "Our mission is good for you" (Sharing kindness to your life)updatesgalactic
1 year agoSeven Trumpets 🎺 are sounded one at a time to cue Apocalyptic Events Book of Revelation York UK 323whitegoldeagle
1 year agoFire in the Sky 🔥 Red Sky at Sunrise in Loreto, Mexico 3 17 2023 Earth Changes Phenomenonwhitegoldeagle
1 year agoUFO Sighting 🛸 Tourists Record Bright Light Objects Over The Bermuda Triangle Of A Cruise Recordedwhitegoldeagle
1 year agoETs Are Now Visiting Us To Help Us Improve Our Planet "Intergalactic Movement for Planetary Healing"whitegoldeagle
3 years agoUFO ~ Spaceship Orbs ~ Night Time Sighting ~ Los Angeles, California ~ Mufon Case 117150 ~ Contactwhitegoldeagle