UFO ~ Spaceship Orbs ~ Night Time Sighting ~ Los Angeles, California ~ Mufon Case 117150 ~ Contact

3 years ago

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Star Mother Ship, Spaceship , UFO , MUFON, ET, Extraterrestrial, Disclosure, Ashtar, Pleiadian, Galactics, New Jerusalem, Sananda, Sighting, vessel, ship , flying saucer, higher dimensional beings, Arcturians, fleet , Mass Sighting , cloaked, Mothership, craft, Spacecraft, NEIOH, Galactic Federation of Light, Andromedan, Contact, Los Angeles, California, orbs

Ken Lloyd

Mufon Case 117150
Date of Sighting 8/2/21
Location:Los Angeles,CAL.
Time:Night Time Sighting
Spaceship Orbs appear no airplanes or anything else around.
The couple can be heard laughing.
Maybe they are nervous.
The footage is short .

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always.
Disclosure Is Above You Now

UFO ~ Spaceship Orbs ~ Night Time Sighting ~ Los Angeles California - Mufon Case 117150

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