1. Spring Swarm Prevention | Inspecting all hives for queens and swarm cells. #beekeeping #insects

    Spring Swarm Prevention | Inspecting all hives for queens and swarm cells. #beekeeping #insects

  2. April Splits | Sorry for the editing error at the end | Splitting my hives before they swarm.

    April Splits | Sorry for the editing error at the end | Splitting my hives before they swarm.

  3. Fall Bee Barn Inspection | Looking around the Bee Barns after the oxalic acid. #beekeeping #insects

    Fall Bee Barn Inspection | Looking around the Bee Barns after the oxalic acid. #beekeeping #insects

  4. FAMINE: The Cupboards Are Bare : Feeding beehives for winter preparation. Feed bees sugar syrup.

    FAMINE: The Cupboards Are Bare : Feeding beehives for winter preparation. Feed bees sugar syrup.

  5. Installing Beehive Heaters. Winter beehive preparation with internal beehive heaters.

    Installing Beehive Heaters. Winter beehive preparation with internal beehive heaters.

  6. Boomerang Swarm | Honeybee Fall Swarm | Swarm Trap Catch and Release | The bees leave and come back.

    Boomerang Swarm | Honeybee Fall Swarm | Swarm Trap Catch and Release | The bees leave and come back.

  7. Windstorm Rips Through the Homestead | Apiary Toppled, Infrastructure Destroyed

    Windstorm Rips Through the Homestead | Apiary Toppled, Infrastructure Destroyed

  8. Honey Frame Removal & Extraction From Our Busiest 2023 Bee Hive; Violet Cove

    Honey Frame Removal & Extraction From Our Busiest 2023 Bee Hive; Violet Cove

  9. A Groovy New Pad: The apiary is expanding and the new bees need a place to stay. Beehive pad.

    A Groovy New Pad: The apiary is expanding and the new bees need a place to stay. Beehive pad.

  10. Honey Bee Sperm and Reproductive Bee Anatomy with Brandon Hopkins

    Honey Bee Sperm and Reproductive Bee Anatomy with Brandon Hopkins

  11. Disappointing Apiary Inspection | When Bees Are Not Flourishing

    Disappointing Apiary Inspection | When Bees Are Not Flourishing

  12. Why buying pure Australian honey is important in supporting bees' valuable pollination

    Why buying pure Australian honey is important in supporting bees' valuable pollination

  13. The Apiary - Getting Started | Full foundation Build, Journey to Beekeeping eps 1

    The Apiary - Getting Started | Full foundation Build, Journey to Beekeeping eps 1

  14. MASSIVE WINTER BROOD & SPECIAL GUEST. | Bee Barn Beekeeping #beekeeping #insects

    MASSIVE WINTER BROOD & SPECIAL GUEST. | Bee Barn Beekeeping #beekeeping #insects

  15. Heater Check | Checking the beehive heaters on a cold 22F day. #beekeeping #insects 8K

    Heater Check | Checking the beehive heaters on a cold 22F day. #beekeeping #insects 8K

  16. Heated Bee Barns |Adding the heaters to the bee Barns and front row hives. | #beekeeping #insects

    Heated Bee Barns |Adding the heaters to the bee Barns and front row hives. | #beekeeping #insects

  17. Bee Tornado | This video brought to you by Crynock bees. #beekeeping #insects

    Bee Tornado | This video brought to you by Crynock bees. #beekeeping #insects
