Honey Frame Removal & Extraction From Our Busiest 2023 Bee Hive; Violet Cove

11 months ago

So, this past Summer was a hard one on the Honeybees who have made our Apiary their home. Too much moisture from so much rain. We started our Apiary with the mentality that, 'It's More Than Honey' after a documentary we watched entitled that. Our hearts are for the honeybees FIRST and if after they have what they need to survive the winter months, there are leftovers, we do utilize some of their honey for better health management. What some of you don't know is that my daughter, Audrey, was born with developmental challenges. I believe today those were big-pharma related from years of their destroying good health practices for profit. In all regions of her body, including her brain, she is very small & limited. However, she does VERY well, in fact, the classic vinyl music you hear in the background is hers by choice, HAHA! We use our unfiltered, raw honey for medicinal purposes for especially Audrey. Honey is a powerful food source God has blessed us with because in its 'natural' form, with no insecticides or feeding the bees sugar water or corn-syrup as most 'traditional beekeepers' do, honey crosses the blood barrier to the brain and is an extremely effective glucose for the development and care of our blood cells. 1-tsp a day on an empty stomach, preferably before bedtime, provides much nutrition to our brains, plus a restful, restorative sleep far supreme to sleep any man-made supplement provides. Honey is effective for so many bodily functions. It has helped Audrey immensely in her cognitive challenges. You can hear her happiness in the kitchen while I'm recording Wes extracting the honey!

I wish so much we were able to produce more honey to ship out to all of our friends & family.. but until the farm house is finished and we are living there full-time, our abilities are limited.

NEXT SUMMER- we'll be there full-time God willing and can build more hives! I know how to ship, haha!

Anyway, we hope you enjoy what little we can offer in way of education in our videos. My wish is that each of you with any type of backyard at all would consider having a couple of horizontal, all-natural beehives. The book, 'Keeping Bees With A Smile' is, in our opinions, the Bible of Beekeeping. It tells you everything you need to know! Then you won't need to depend on others to have your own untreated, unfiltered, raw honey. I've tried to find it.. we ran out this year after filling orders for our supporters. The honey I purchased as close to natural as I could find was disgusting. Seriously. Once you've tasted really-natural honey, you'll know the difference. It's rare to find beekeepers who let hive beetles roam around their hives as we do because we don't poison our hives. We want to build up their immunity so the BEES are strong enough to take care of insects as nature intended. They use to be that strong until man started manipulating them for more profit.

My heart was saddened yesterday that we don't have the honey this year I had hoped for. Many of our followers, especially on YouTube, will need to find local honey for their honey needs.

But, there is always next year!

Much Love & Happiness to You All~!! The BEST is Yet to Come!!

Hugz galore from a silly little honeybeepatriot in NC! 🤗's

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