Second Presidential Debate Cancelled Due to Trump’s Covid 19 Positive Test?
Anthony Galli
The Next Pandemic Is Coming! What to do?!
Anthony Galli
How Socialism Runs American “Capitalism”
Anthony Galli
Longest-ever Border Smuggling Tunnel Found. San Diego Professor Concludes: Walls Don't Work
Anthony Galli
Bryan Cranston FAILS Critical Race Theory
Anthony Galli
Why Don’t Any U.S. States Have Single-Payer Healthcare?
Anthony Galli
Survey/Odds/Polls: Mike Pence Won VP Debate ("Look a fly!" - MSM)
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Battle of Super Bowl Commercials: Trump Ad vs. Bloomberg Ad
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Tucker Carlson vs. Mike Bloomberg | The Truth About Tucker Carlson's Dishonest Debating Style
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Batman Lives Matter (2020) | The Most Controversial Batman Movie Plot Ever
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Donald Trump Basic Income Policy vs. Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend [not all UBI's are created equal]
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What it REALLY Means to #AbolishThePolice
Anthony Galli
Tesla vs. Mainstream Media | The TRUTH Cybertruck Revealed About Mainstream Media
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Donald Trump goes low on "Mini Mike" Bloomberg. Here is how Bloomberg should respond...
Anthony Galli
The Only Person Keeping $1,200 Out of Your Hands is Nancy Pelosi | #SendUsTheMoney
Anthony Galli
Speaker Obama: How Barack Obama Could Become Speaker of the House in 2021
Anthony Galli